James E. Brenneman

Dr. James E. Brenneman served as president of Goshen College from 2006 to 2017.
Inauguration (Sept. 8-10, 2006)
B.A., Goshen College
M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary
M.A., Claremont Graduate University
Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
Educator, visionary, ancient near east scholar, biblical theologian and church leader, Dr. James E. Brenneman became the 16th president of Goshen College in 2006. As president of Goshen College, Brenneman’s vision for the college includes it becoming more diverse, more sustainable and more known for the ways students and alumni are making a positive difference in the world.
As a child growing up, going to school and church in the historic Cuban quarter of Tampa, Florida (Ybor City) and living most of his adult life in Los Angeles, his commitment to making known and ensuring the positive influence of Hispanic culture in the U.S. story has been a driving force in his life. After coming to Goshen College, he launched the Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning (now the Center for Intercultural & International Education) in 2006 upon receiving a $12.5 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. While he was president, the percent of traditional undergraduates who are Hispanic grew from 5 percent (2006-07) to 18 percent (2015-16). Brenneman became the second Indiana college president to sign the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment to work toward a carbon neutral campus in 2007 and was invited by the White House to participate in the American Campuses Act on Climate roundtable in November 2015. The college added its first master’s degree programs: M.S. in Nursing (2007), M.A. in Environmental Education (2008), M.A. in Intercultural Leadership (2013-16) and The Collaborative MBA (2014). In 2011, Brenneman helped launch three institutes on campus: the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism, the Institute for Ecological Regeneration and the Institute for Latino Educational Achievement. In 2012, the general education program called the Goshen Core was overhauled to focus on intercultural, international, interdisciplinary and integrated learning. Brenneman was reappointed for his second term in 2010 and for his third term in 2014.
Dr. Brenneman served as an active board member of the Economic Development Corporation of Elkhart County and the Horizon Educational Alliance, a county-wide educationally focused coalition focused on pathways to college and career readiness. He also served on the boards of the Independent Colleges of Indiana, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and the Council of Independent Colleges. He is chair of the Council of Presidents for the NAIA Crossroads League.
As a Goshen College student, Brenneman pursued an interdisciplinary degree, combining Bible, biology and natural science, and graduated in 1977. He went on to attend Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (now the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) and completed a master of divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. At Claremont Graduate University, he earned a master of arts degree in religious studies and a doctorate, with a focus in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament studies.
Brenneman is an ordained minister of Mennonite Church USA and was the founding lead pastor of Pasadena (Calif.) Mennonite Church where he served for 20 years. Prior to that, he was a senior associate in leadership development for U.S. Ministries of World Vision from 1983-1986. For fifteen years, he also served on the faculty at Episcopal Theological School at Claremont (Calif.) in Old Testament scholarship. Brenneman authored “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks: Lessons from the Book of Deuteronomy” (Herald Press, 2004) and “Canons in Conflict: Negotiating Texts in True and False Prophesy” (Oxford University Press, 1997), and has written numerous book chapters and articles on theological and church-related themes. An experienced public speaker, he has delivered dozens of lectures and presentations on a variety of topics related to his scholarly interests and pastorate.
Brenneman’s wife Dr. Terri J. Plank Brenneman is a clinical psychologist and also a 1977 Goshen College alumnus. They are the parents of son Quinn.
Articles about President Brenneman:
- Overwhelmed with Gratitude: A Final Interview with President James E. Brenneman — in The Bulletin, Spring/Summer 2017
- In farewell address, President Brenneman says best is yet to come — April 24, 2017
- Outgoing GC president gives farewell address — in The Goshen News, April 21, 2017
- Dr. James E. Brenneman, Goshen College president, announces resignation for June 2017 — August 17, 2016
- Jim Brenneman reflects on his decade as Goshen College’s 16th president — in The Goshen News, July 1, 2016
- President Brenneman joins boards of two national higher ed associations — May 3, 2016
- President Brenneman invited to White House for roundtable discussion on climate action — November 19, 2015
- President Jim Brenneman reappointed to third term — June 10, 2014
- Goshen College president grateful for leadership role — in The Goshen News, March 31, 2013
- Jim Brenneman reappointed to second term as Goshen College president — May 11, 2010
- Goshen College presidential inauguration highlights ‘growing wisdom and wonder’ — September 11, 2006
- Goshen College’s 16th president celebrates first week in office with a party — July 14, 2006
- Goshen College announces date for Brenneman inauguration — May 11, 2006
- Brenneman confirmed to serve as 16th president — December 6, 2005
- Candidate of choice for president introduced to campus, community; Dr. James E. Brenneman called to serve 111-year-old Christian college — November 18, 2005
- “Mighty the Plantings of God” — April 30, 2017, Baccalaureate sermon
- “Back to the Future: Reflections on Being GC’s 16th President” — April 21, 2017, farewell address
- “The Intercultural Transformation of a Midwest Mennonite College: ¡Si Se Puede!” — Oct. 11, 2016, keynote address at the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Dean’s Forum in San Antonio
- “Until My Dying Breath: A Passion for Learning” — Aug. 31, 2016, fall opening convocation
- “With Malice Toward None and Charity Toward All” — July 3, 2016, Chautauqua-by-the Sea Temple in Ocean Park, Maine
- “Cultured for Loving Service” — April 24, 2016, Baccalaureate sermon
- “The Divine Poet: Servant Leadership Defined” — August 26, 2015, fall opening convocation
- “Dawning lights” — April 26, 2015, Baccalaureate sermon
- “Listening to the World: The First Commandment of a Global Citizen” — Feb. 4, 2015, convocation
- “Citizens of Earth and Sky” — Aug. 27, 2014, fall opening convocation
- “Footprints: Evidence of History and the Promise of Future” — April 27, 2014, Baccalaureate sermon
- “God and Ted Talk About Science: Ideas Worth Spreading” — March 14, 2014, chapel
- “Sowing Compassion! On Becoming Compassionate Peacemakers” — Sept. 4, 2013, fall opening convocation
- “Love in the Clouds of Unknowing” — April 28, 2013, Baccalaureate sermon
- “Expanding the sound pool” — April 20, 2013, celebrating Professor Emerita of Music Mary Oyer’s 90th birthday
- “On Becoming a Passionate Learner” — Sept. 5, 2012, fall opening convocation
- “5 Core Diplomats” — April 22, 2012, Baccalaureate sermon
- “Metamorphosis: Identity Transformed” — March 16, 2012, college chapel sermon
- “Culture for Service Leadership: A Paradox Worth Living” — Aug. 31, 2011, fall opening convocation
- “The Courageous Bow” — May 1, 2011, Baccalaureate
- “Christ, the Core” — Sept. 1, 2010, fall opening convocation
- “Finding Education’s Sweetness: On the State of Goshen College” — Aug. 20, 2010, all-employee brunch
- “Fireflies, Laser and Lamps: A Vocation in Lights” — April 26, 2010, Baccalaureate
- “Getting to Yes and Amen! The New GC ‘School of Thought’” — Jan. 15, 2010
- “Healing the World: Peace by Peace” — Sept. 2, 2009, fall opening convocation
- “Leaping in Faith, Landing in Hope” — April 27, 2009, Baccalaureate
- “Living the Core” — Sept. 3, 2008, fall opening convocation
- “Out of the Whirlwind” — April 27, 2008, Baccalaureate
- “Choice Points” — Jan. 11, 2008
- “This We Believe…” — Aug. 29, 2007, fall opening convocation
- “Wake-Up, Goshen” — Feb. 7, 2007, Goshen Chamber of Commerce breakfast
- Story about Jan. 11, 2007 opening convocation speech
- Inaugural address: “Growing Wisdom & Wonder” — Sept. 9, 2006
- Story about Aug. 30, 2006 opening convocation speech
- Acceptance speech: “The world needs Goshen College” — Nov. 18, 2005
The Bulletin (alumni magazine) columns:
- Thank the makers and Maker! — Spring/Summer 2017
- “We are Goshen College!” — Fall/Winter 2016
- “Epiphanies for the common good” — Spring/Summer 2016
- “Uncomplicating our calling” — Fall/Winter 2015
- “Fiat lux!” — Spring/Summer 2015
- “Citizens of earth and sky” — Fall/Winter 2014
- “The tree of life that is Goshen College” — Spring 2014
- “Sowing compassion” — Fall 2013
- “The birds and the bees and passionate…learning” — Winter 2012-13
- “Diplomacy as a radical calling” — Summer 2012
- “Healing the world, peace by peace” — Fall/Winter 2009-10
- “Let unconquerable gladness dwell amid unprecedented times” — Spring/Summer 2009
- “Maple seeds and other miracles of hope” — Fall/Winter 2008
- “Bridging gaps between nations and faiths” — Spring/Summer 2008
- “Seeking the welfare of the city” — Autumn/Winter 2007
- “The nature of change” — Summer 2007
- “A world house of learning” — Winter/Spring 2007
- “Human instruments of God’s grace” — Autumn 2006
- “In Christ, ‘all things hold together'” — Summer 2006