New adult programs in communication and sign language interpreting introduced
Goshen College has launched two new career building programs for adult students, in communication and sign language interpreting that will begin in the fall of 2021.
Goshen College has launched two new career building programs for adult students, in communication and sign language interpreting that will begin in the fall of 2021.
In their final semester at Goshen College, 12 senior sign language interpreting majors are gaining experience in an area they hadn’t expected before the spread of coronavirus: online interpreting.
Mia Engle '15 talk about her experience interpreting on a cruise ship.
This semester, the sign language interpreting department saw a record 12 students venture to 10 different states across the country to grow their interpreting skills in semester-long internships.
When Hannah Cole decided to attend Goshen College to finish her degree in American Sign Language education, she didn’t expect the rest of her family to follow her to Indiana.
Colleen Geier, associate professor of ASL interpreting, finds life's calling as ASL interpreter.
Goshen College is one of only three universities in Indiana and 150 nationwide that offer ASL as a major. Besides majoring in interpreting, she said students also take ASL for foreign language credits or as a minor that bolsters a major in a field where knowing sign language is useful.
On Monday, March 19, Goshen College recognized five professors for milestone achievements, including promotions and doctoral degree completions.
Building on its academic distinctives, Goshen College faculty and administration recently approved 12 new undergraduate academic programs of study, including six majors, three minors, two concentrations and an education licensure add-on program, across five areas of study. The new opportunities will be offered beginning in the fall of 2017.
Communicating using sign language while missing fingers is like speaking with a lisp, Goshen College graduate Olivia Ginn explains