Archives for Anabaptist-Mennonite Tag

Process for new Martyrs Mirror begins
More than 35 people from seven countries gathered at Goshen College on August 5-8, for an international consultation on the theme, “Bearing Witness: A New Martyrs Mirror for the 21st Century?” Hosted by the college’s Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism, the international gathering explored the possibility of a major story-gathering initiative, focused especially on the theme of “costly discipleship.”

History professors’ essays featured in book on evangelicalism and Anabaptism
Goshen College Professors of History Steven M. Nolt and John D. Roth contributed essays to the book, "The Activist Impulse: Essays on the Intersection of Evangelicalism and Anabaptism."

Eight students explore call to ministry during summer
This summer, eight Goshen College students are exploring church ministry and gaining valuable experiences as they work with congregations across the United States through the college's Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP).
“Paraguayan Mennonites enter politics” by Professor of History John D. Roth in The Mennonite
“Church as a rhizome?” by Professor of History John D. Roth in The Mennonite
“Baptist ties through the ‘Aussiedler'” by Professor of History John D. Roth in The Mennonite
“Rick Warren: The Anabaptists were right,” by Professor of History John D. Roth in The Mennonite
The Mennonite, 2.13.12.