Explore Goshen Day
Explore Goshen Day is an awesome time to experience campus life at GC! Prospective students can sit in on classes, talk with faculty, tour campus, meet other prospective students and so much more!
Explore Goshen Day is an awesome time to experience campus life at GC! Prospective students can sit in on classes, talk with faculty, tour campus, meet other prospective students and so much more!
Goshen College’s treble voice choir, Voices of the Earth, will be joined by area high school high voice choruses for a 7:30 p.m. concert in Sauder Concert Hall. Voices of the Earth is directed by H. Roz Woll.
The Goshen College Symphony Orchestra, directed by Jimin Seo, will present its fall concert in Sauder Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m. on November 2.
During Homecoming Weekend festivities, Goshen College announced the launch of the public phase of “Connected Cause: The Campaign for Goshen College” and seeks to raise a total of $68 million in new gifts for this comprehensive campaign by the end of 2026.
Five alumni were presented with Goshen College's alumni awards during Homecoming Weekend.
Social media isn’t the first place most people turn to when they need a confidence boost, but if you’re following Achieng Agutu ’18, a quick scroll through her TikTok page can be as healing as FaceTiming a friend for a pick-me-up.
Goshen College will also host a public reading and Q&A of a new poetry book by Britt Kaufmann ’96.
Three Goshen College choirs — Chamber Choir, Voices of the Earth and Vox Profundi — will perform on the Sauder Concert Hall stage as part of the annual Fall Choral Concert. The concert will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Alessandra Feris will present a solo piano recital titled "Piano Music of Latin America."
First, second, and third place winners of the 2024 Sherer Violin and Piano Competition will perform their winning pieces on the Sauder Concert Hall stage. Performers will be accompanied by Luke Norell, pianist. This 4 p.m. concert is free and the public is warmly invited.