The Bulletin – Fall/Winter 2014
This issue of Goshen College's alumni magazine focuses on the core value of "global citizenship," the theme of this year on campus.
Submit your news and photos related to births, deaths, marriages, job changes, achievements, etc. to alumni@goshen.edu for publication in the Bulletin. When sending in photos, please submit digitally in the highest resolution available. You can log on to the Alumni Directory to read more news about alumni, find contact information for them and submit your own updates.
This issue of Goshen College's alumni magazine focuses on the core value of "global citizenship," the theme of this year on campus.
The Many Faces of Goshen College…
Expanding the Sound Pool…
Divided no Longer…
Building Servant Leadership…
Gathering to Celebrate…
Egyptian Odyssey…
Healing the World, Peace by Peace…
A World for a Classroom…