ITSMedia issues new and replacement student and employee ID Cards for the Goshen College Community.
ITSM also prints community cards for the campus library and Roman Gingerich Recreation Fitness Center, and can also create and print custom cards for a nominal fee (see details below).
Contact our office at avdesk@goshen.edu or call 574.535.7727 for more information about ID Card services.
Student ID Cards
Terms and Conditions
Employee Cards
Community Member Cards
Replacing Lost or Broken Cards
Custom Cards
Student ID cards
Online ID Card Photo Submission
Incoming students at Goshen College may receive an email to their goshen.edu address inviting them to submit a photo for their ID card. Students who do not submit an early photo will have their photo taken during the check-in process, or can visit the ITSMedia Service Desk during open hours.
*You may request a new photo link at any time by emailing avdesk@goshen.edu, but a new card will not be issued unless needed.*
Photo submission guidelines are included in the email invite and are also accessible in PDF form: Online ID Card Photo Submission Guidelines. For simplified photo examples, included in the email, are also accessible in PDF form: Online ID Card Photo Submission Photo Examples Your invitation email will be from AV Desk (hello@onlinephotosubmission.com). While the email is not sent from the goshen.edu domain, this email is legitimate!
Goshen College ID Card Terms & Conditions
- Goshen College issues a Photo ID (“Card”) to its students and employees to verify their identity and manage access to GC services and facilities.
- Cardholder understands and agrees that the Card is the property of Goshen College, and the policies and procedures of the Goshen College govern its use.
- Cardholder understands and agrees that Goshen College may update this agreement and these terms and conditions from time to time as necessary.
- A GC ID Card can also function as an on-campus debit card, linked to your student account, and is accepted at Java Junction and AVI-operated campus food venues, which includes Westlawn Dining Hall and the Leaf Raker Cafe. GC ID cards are not linked to your banking establishment, and cannot be used for purchases off-campus.
- “Munch Money” is included in each meal plan option. For those who do not have a meal plan, Munch Money can be added to your account through AVI Fresh or the “Get App.” It can be used by swiping your GC ID card at campus dining locations. See aviserves.com/goshen/ for more information.
- Your GC ID/key card also gives you access to residence halls, Schertz computer lab, and the Roman Gingerich Recreation Fitness Center (RFC). Access is granted by tapping your ID on the card readers outside of these locations. Access to various campus buildings will be granted to your account as required for your course of study.
- The Goshen College ID Card is intended to serve you throughout your years of study at Goshen College. Keeping your card in good condition is important. If you experience any problems with your card contact ITSMedia as soon as possible.
GC ID Card Rules & regulations
- Your Goshen College ID Card is your official campus identification. You should carry your GC ID with you at all times.
- You may only possess one official GC ID card at a time.
- You are the only person authorized to use your ID card. Please do not loan your ID to any other person for use for any reason. Your card could be subject to confiscation if found in the possession of another person.
- Goshen College is not responsible for any expenses resulting from the loss, theft, or misuse of this card.
- Your ID card is NOT transferable.
- If found, please return any ID cards to the ITSMedia Service Desk
Remember to retain your card for future semesters of study at Goshen College.
Lost or Broken ID Cards
- If your ID breaks, fades, or stops working, bring the old card (or pieces of it) to the ITSMedia Service Desk and we will reprint a new card for free.
- If your card is lost, stolen, or defaced, ITSMedia will print a new card for you. A $20 charge will be applied to your student account.
Employee cards
For new Faculty & Staff (0.26 FTE and greater) – your picture will be taken by the Communications & Marketing Office (contact their office for an appointment) and the photo will be sent to ITSMedia. The GC ID card will be issued and you will be notified by email when the ID card is ready for pickup. Faculty & Staff (0.25 FTE or Less) in need of an ID Card, visit ITSMedia during service desk open hours to get your photo taken and an ID card will be issued for you within minutes.
Community member cards
ITSMedia creates ID cards for community patrons who wish to use the on campus Good Library. For more information on how to obtain this service, visit the Harold & Wilma Good Library.
Custom cards
ITSMedia will design cards for other official use with proper approval. There is a setup fee of $75 and a $2.00 printing fee will also be incurred for each card.
Contact ITSMedia at 574.535.7727 for more information.