SST Schedule
Choosing your Destination: Quick links
Printable pdfs for spring advising, 2024:
- Global Engagement Offerings, 2024-25: Shows next year’s upcoming SST courses and highlights immersive experiences.
- GLST Course Descriptions by Thread: Shows which sequential courses go together and how they fit into a a larger theme.
- Choosing SST Courses: Helps students to choose based on interests, cost, length of trip.
- Common Concerns for SSTers: Reviews destinations in light of challenges students may face, such as heat, accessibility, racism, etc.
Sign-up instructions:
For SST, Semester go to MyGC and look for the SST form in the lower right corner. You can register at any time.
For SST, One Course at a Time, sign up with your advisor during regular advising periods.
Semester SST Offerings
Tanzania | Faculty Leaders: Adam and Karen Graber Roth
15 credits
Ecuador | Faculty Leaders: Heidi and Eric Dyck Hilty
15 credits
Navajo Nation hybrid unit | Faculty Leaders: Anna Groff and Dinae Wirth
12 credits
- Fall semester: Ecuador
Spring semester: Ecuador, Indonesia
Summer semester: Ecuador, Senegal
- Fall semester: Ecuador
- Spring semester: Ecuador, Tanzania
- Summer semester: Ecuador, Navajo Nation
- Fall semester: Ecuador
Spring semester: Ecuador, Indonesia
Summer semester: Ecuador, Senegal
Sequential SST Offerings
All courses below take place in May Term except the GLST 271 course in India.
- GLST 251-01 Cultural Perspectives, From Chicago to Amish Country
— 3 credits, with Philipp Gollner - GLST 251-02 Cultural Perspectives, Puerto Rican Identities
— 3 credits, with Terry Martin - GLST 251-04 and 271 Cultural Perspectives, Ecology and Sustainability in the Indian Himalaya
— 3 or 6 credits, with Jonathon Schramm - GLST 271-01 Environmental Disaster & Response in the US
— 3 credits, with Hillary Harder
See Global Engagement Offerings 2024-25 or Global Engagement Offerings by Thread. These sheets include local courses. On-campus courses meet at Goshen College and offer hands-on, intercultural experiences through field trips and community engagement locally.
Previous destinations
Over the years, we have sent students to Belize, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Mali, Morocco, Nicaragua, Peru, Poland and South Korea. Goshen College also offered a domestic Latino Studies program in which students studied about, served in and were immersed in the local Latino culture for a semester in Northern Indiana.