Irene Schmid ’16

Irene Schmid, a 2016 nursing graduat, has a variety of interests. She ran cross-country, track and was the GC composting team leader. During May term of her sophomore year, she traveled to Nepal to work and study in a clinic.
What do you like most about Goshen and why?
I appreciate the spontaneity of college life at Goshen. Due to the small class size, there is always someone to go on adventures or have good discussions with. I love that I know so many people on campus and that I could be involved in almost anything I want to. There aren’t many colleges that give you the chance to be a part of almost anything you want. I also love composting—Goshen has great dirt.
Why did you choose to come to Goshen College?
I came because I have family in the area and because my dad went to Goshen. Just as importantly, I came because of Goshen’s core values and small class sizes. I was drawn to the way that Goshen lives out Christian values. The focus on campus life is not just about preparing for a future career, it’s also about shaping you as a person.
How has Goshen College influenced your faith or worldview?
Goshen has taught me to be more aware of those around me. There are so many interesting people in the world, and at Goshen I’ve learned the importance of getting to know those I interact with. At Goshen, I am cared about as an individual, which has inspired me to care more intentionally about others.
What do you hope to do with your degree?
As a nursing major, I will have a lot of opportunities. I am thankful for the holistic education offered at Goshen, that I’ll use someday in my career. I know that Goshen has prepared me for whatever I desire to do, whether that be higher education, working in a hospital or volunteering my time and talents elsewhere.
What advice would you give a prospective student?
Ask questions when you’re on a college visit. There are so many unknowns before going to college, and it is best to have your questions answered beforehand. Not every student belongs at Goshen, but if it is a good fit for you, you should feel comfortable from the first time you are on campus. Also, be aware that everyone searching for a college is probably just as overwhelmed and confused as you are—I sure was!
What was an influential experience you’ve had outside the classroom?
I had the extraordinary opportunity to take a May term class in Nepal. Since it was through the nursing department, we were able to spend time in the hospital with some Nepali nursing students. I learned so much about nursing, but more importantly about myself as a person. I am so thankful for the many ways that Goshen encourages and enables students to travel, step outside their comfort zones and learn more about themselves and the world around them.