Arvis Dawson ’76

After graduating from Goshen College, Arvis Dawson ’76 worked as a social worker and then as a teacher for 31 years in Elkhart Community Schools. He is serving his eighth term on the Elkhart City Council, a total of 28 years so far in two different stints, and formerly worked for the Elkhart mayor on the Board of Works. He is also currently serving as a member of the Goshen College Alumni Council.
“My parents were always part of a group helping me and motivating others. When I became an adult, I saw it was something I needed to do because it was done for me. When you grow up in Chicago in a community that large, you don’t see things happen, you hear about them happening. In Elkhart and Elkhart County, you see things happen. Once you realize you can have an impact on making those things happen, it becomes a natural thing.
“Goshen College helped because it simply gave me opportunities I never would have had if I hadn’t attended college there. I tell people all the time, Goshen College changed my life. I believe it was faith that got me there and helped me succeed. People there, some of the first people I encountered who were Caucasian, treated me in a Christ-like way.”