Our 29 Fall 2015 Goshen College student teachers

This group of 29 creative, committed, intelligent and energetic Goshen College student teachers are working in the community this fall, pursuing everything from elementary education to art to English to math to biology. We look forward to hearing about the young lives they change in their careers as #teachers!
Back Row: Alejandro Rodriguez (West Goshen, kindergarten), Briana Schrock (Concord Junior High, language arts), Becky Vanderbosch (Goshen Middle School, science), Joe Bontrager (Middlebury Intermediate, 5th grade), Anna Nafziger (Goshen High School, English language learners), Emma Caskey (Ox Bow, 2nd grade), Jenna Rusmisel (Middlebury, kindergarten), Micah Detweiler (Northridge, instrumental music), Melanie Meyer (Parkside, physical education), Sam Smucker (Concord High School, instrumental music), Michael Oyer (Parkside, 2nd grade), Brad Sandlin (Bethany Christian, social studies).
Middle Row: Elizabeth Franks-North (Bethany Christian, English/language arts), Lindi Cranston (Goshen High, art), Armando Nuñez (Penn High School, ASL), Lynelle Leinbach (Goshen Middle School, social studies), Ellen Schlabach (Westview Elementary, art), Alia Munley (Pinewood, art), Zoe Blosser (Goshen Middle School, math), Kayla Riportella (Wawasee HS, English), Abby Dunn (Waterford, 1st grade), Jacquelyn Krall (Bristol, 6th grade), Derek Swartzendruber (Goshen High School, biology), Seth Krabill (Goshen High School, art).
Front Row: Suzanne Ehst (Director of Secondary Education), Natalie Graber (Prairie View, 1st grade), Miranda Earnhart (Elkhart Community Schools, vocal and general music), Hannah Beachey (Ox Bow, 2nd grade), Kathy Meyer Reimer (Director of Elementary Education).
Missing from photo: Toby Faustino (Parkside, 4th grade) and Alisa Murray (Central Christian, music).