A summer of biology

Here is an informal list of the kinds of activities our students found to develop and hone their skills in biology this summer.
Health-related Activities & Molecular Biology Research
- Stephen Graber – Shadowed oncologists at Goshen Center for Cancer Care
- Leah Amstutz – Laboratory assistant in a health care clinic – Centro de Salud San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist Health Center) during SST
- James Garcia – Maples Scholar – Evolutionary relationships in Hymenoptera (with Dr. Ammons)
- Michael Yoder – Maple Scholar – Expression patterns in UNC-53 in C. elegans (with Dr. Schmidt)
- Jessica Davila – Worked at Caritas Baby Hospital & Le crèche orphanage in Bethlehem, Palestine
- Aaron Graber – Internship at Stanford University under Dr. Philip Beachy doing research on the protein Smoothened in the Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway by means of mutagenesis
Field Biology & Environmental Science
- Peter Meyer Reimer – Research Intern at University of Goettingen, Germany – Department of Palynology and Climate Dynamics; Determining the interaction between fire regime, climate change, and local ecology in an Indonesian rainforest.
Anna Costanza – REU – San Francisco State University, Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies – Characterization of primary production and community composition of marine phtyplankton in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Ellie Shertz – MAPS Bird Banding study, Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center (with Dr. Zinn)
- Abby Flickner – MAPS Bird Banding study, Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center (with Dr. Zinn)
- Jessica Davila, Jacob Penner, Cortney Quick, & Peter Meyer Reimer – Research Assistants, Quantifying effects of fire on ant evacuation behaviors in an Acacia-ant mutualism, Mpala Research Centre, Kenya (with Dr. Sensenig)
- Cecilia Lapp Stoltzfus – Patuxent River Park, Upper Marlboro, Maryland – Wild rice restoration and osprey banding
- Jack Shomberg – Maple Scholar, Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center (with Dr. Hess)
- Anna van der Zwaag – Maple Scholar, Photobioreactor Project (with Dr. Grove)
- Aisha Harris – Intern at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo working with the aquarist
- Kayla Gray – Lakes Environmental Association – worked to help prevent the spread of invasive Eurasian milfoil in lakes in Maine
- Aaron Stiffney & Caleb Longenecker – Marine Biology Internship – J.N. Roth Marine Biology Station – Worked with graduate students from Old Dominion University and University of Florida on sponge restoration and lobster ecology projects