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Archives for Mainstage Category

Fall Mainstage – The Curious Savage

The Curious Savage by John Patrick 2001   Cast Florence                                                                                   Cory Scott Hannibal                                                                                   Scott Huston Fairy May                                                                                Becca Landis Jeffrey                                                                                      Tom Kelley Mrs. Paddy                                                                              Jennifer Yoder Titus                                                                                         Dan Eash Samuel                                                                                     Ben Herendeen Lily Belle                                                                                  Erin Sigler Ethel                                                                                         Olivia Roth Miss Wilhelmina                                                                       Sarah Amstutz Dr Emmett                                                                                Jeff…

Fall Mainstage – Love Labor's Lost

Love Labor’s Lost by William Shakespeare Cast Ferdinad                                                                                   Stephan Bontrager Berowne                                                                                  Tom Kelley Longaville                                                                                 Emiel Blum Dumaine                                                                                   Jeff Martin Anthony                                                                                   Ben Godfrey Costard                                                                                    John Leigh Don Adriano de Armado                                                          Bruce Rasquinha Moth                                                                                        Derek Bontrager Jaquenetta                                                                                Bethany Fox Princess of France                                                                    Dianna Phillips-Kanagy Rosaline                                                                                   Becca Landis Katharine                                                                                 Sarah Amstutz Maria                                                                                       Anna…

Fiddler On The Roof

Cast Tevye                                                                                       Doyle Preheim Goldie                                                                                      Phoebe Brubaker Tzeitel                                                                                      Maria Schumacher Hodel                                                                                       Rachel Smith Chava                                                                                      Laura Myers Shprintze                                                                                  Jenna Fisher Miller Bielke                                                                                       Anna Albrecht Yente                                                                                       Audrey Eash Motel                                                                                       Stephanie Bontrager Perchik                                                                                     Scott Huston Lazar Wolf                                                                               Chad Weaver Mordcha                                                                                  Geoff Owens Medel                                                                                      Joel Nofzinger Rabbi                                                                                       Art Smucker Avrahm                                                                                    Tom Kelley Machum                                                                                   John…