Orientation in Quito just started!

Good morning! (or whenever you are reading this) After a few delays, interrupted sleep, and moments of incertitude, the SST Spring 2024 group started orientation with a burst of energy and enthusiasm … and some silliness!

The airport arrival as delayed by THREE LOOOOONG hours, but they made it safely.

As the students were leaving home, Ecuador’s people suffer moments of tension, sadness,  and fear. News outlets suggest that we should be extra cautious. We also know that the foci of violence is far from our sphere of action and our families and partners are judicious, trustworthy, and very protective of our students.

And now they’re here!!

The bus ride, or as the call it here “el bus”, from Quito’s fancy airport to Casa de Espiritualidad Nuestra Señora del Quinche, a.k.a. CDE, a.k.a., La Casa de los Espíritus was quite comfortable.
By Thursday morning, it was hard to contains people’s energy, so we proceeded with orientation at the rooftop Templo de la Sabiduría, part of the Casa Goshen.
Same photo, but with the other director.
Klever Guevara, our on-site coordinator extraordinaire, imparted his deep and sophisticated knowledge on Quito culture, families, food, and other insights, as he collected students names, academic interest, and motivations to be here.
At El Refugio retreat center, we tried some team building activities. We were supposed to turne te tarp under our feet without stepping on the grass. I wasn’t a failure, but a modest success.
The floor is lava! but astute students know how to handle it.
Ice cream for everybody!