Norman and Ruth Kraus Lectureship in Religion

The goal/purpose of this lectureship is to foster and strengthen Goshen College’s contribution to the life and witness of the church-in-the-world. As a church college, Goshen College exists as an expression of the church in the life of the world of culture. The college’s special
contribution to the church is in scholarly service of information, research, critique, as well as promotion and defense of the Christian worldview. The college’s special contribution to the world is service to promote scholarly exploration, research, and critique within the context of Christian ethical and theological values.
This combined responsibility toward both the church and the academic world places the church college in a unique role — which can be risky and difficult. Academia: The secular and rational presuppositions and methodology of academia often challenge the faith assumptions of the church, so that the church’s college must constantly examine its role as an academic institution. The church: Often the church does not welcome even the most sympathetic critique and well-intentioned contribution from the college, so the college must seek ways to make that contribution relevant and understandable. This tension appears to be endemic to the life of a church college.