How will the Messiah bring about change in the world? How will he promote harmony between people?
Markers along the path
Join the call to investigate the very familiar texts for this week’s devotions by keeping an eye out for the signs or markers along the path.
The Daylight That is to Come
May our ears listen graciously, may our actions speak of love, and may our footsteps warm the earth with peace, for we know where our journey leads.
Peace in an Uncertain World
As you move through your day, I encourage you to remember to be peacemakers, to spread kindness, walk humbly and trust in God.
Speaking Peace
God is a God of the vulnerable, and the peace for which the Psalmist begs in the last four verses today will only exist in Jerusalem when we recognize the injustice of the occupation and cry out for the justice that is in God’s heart.
Swords and Plowshares: Choosing Peace
What better advent gift can we give ourselves and those we love, indeed, all of humanity, than the gift of lasting peace? The choice is ours.
God’s peace is at hand. Come, walk in the way of God’s heart.
Welcome to 2016 Advent devotions! The theme for this week leading up to the first Sunday of Advent is “God’s Peace is at Hand.”
Welcome to Goshen College Advent Devotions 2016: Beginning Nov. 21
Beginning Nov. 21 and culminating on Christmas Day, Goshen College students, faculty and staff will provide weekday reflections based on lectionary Scripture passages and the Advent theme: “The Holy Way: Walking in the Way of God’s Heart,” taken from Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada worship resources.