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Graduate Programs


DNP Consortium

The Goshen College-EMU DNP Consortium is an academic designation. The DNP is the first practice doctorate available for nurses. Practice doctorates apply knowledge gained from evidence-based practice to patient care. The DNP offered by Goshen College and Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) is a post-MSN, 9 semesters with an accelerated 6-semester option (33 credit hours, 10 courses).

The DNP is a practice doctorate, not a research doctorate. Rather than writing a dissertation based on original research, the DNP graduate completes an evidence-based practice (EBP) project. This project requires that the student spend a significant amount of time examining an EBP question based on the student’s specific area of interest. Students might choose to focus their DNP project on the care of individuals, aggregate, systems or organizational level. The DNP educates nurses to improve safety, effectiveness and efficiency in patient care. Essentially, the DNP graduate uses the research completed in the EBP project to influence their practice.

Students may enroll at either Eastern Mennonite University or Goshen College, and their diploma will reflect that choice.


Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Practices at the highest level of nursing, integrating nursing theory and nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences.
    CCNE DNP Essential I, VIII
  2. Demonstrates advanced leadership skills in interprofessional collaborative teams for quality improvement, improvement of patient and population outcomes, and meeting system-level challenges.
    CCNE DNP Essential II,VI, VIII
  3. Employs analytical skills and translational science for the improvement of quality and safety in healthcare.
    CCNE DNP Essential III, VIII
  4. Utilizes information technology for the improvement and transformation of healthcare.
    CCNE DNP Essential III, IV, VIII
  5. Demonstrates knowledge of healthcare policy to provide leadership for advocacy and education that shapes the future of healthcare.
    CCNE DNP Essential V, VIII
  6. Applies population health methodologies to design, implement, and evaluate health promotion/ disease prevention interventions and healthcare delivery models.
    CCNE DNP Essential VII, VIII
  7. Demonstrates professional values consistent with the ANA code of ethics and the core values of the parent institutions.
    CCNE DNP Essential VIII



Mission, Vision, Values

The EMU & GC DNP Partnership seeks to prepare nurse leaders to serve and lead at the highest level of nursing practice as informed, articulate, culturally sensitive, compassionate, and responsible professional nurses. Such nurse leaders reflect the values of stewardship, human flourishing, sacred covenant, and peacemaking as foundational to promoting change within the healthcare setting. The program educates students from the perspective of the Anabaptist heritage and belief structures of both schools.

The philosophy of the GC & EMU DNP Partnership is based on the commonly held holistic nursing philosophies of both Goshen College and Eastern Mennonite University’s nursing programs. Integrated with this focus of viewing persons, health, and environment in a holistic manner, the partnership program has adopted the concepts of stewardship, human flourishing, sacred covenant, and peacemaking as core threads that are embodied in the developing character and work of the nurse.

Preparation of professional nurses at the DNP level requires the development of leadership capacities. The DNP graduate influences health care outcomes through directing care strategies for individuals and populations [Student Learning Outcome (SLO) #6], leading interprofessional teams toward improved healthcare systems, [SLO #2] providing leadership through engagement with health policy [SLO #5], and utilizing information for the transformation of healthcare [SLO #4]. As with other DNP programs, this practice-focused doctoral program is designed to prepare nurse leaders for the highest level of leadership [SLO #1] in practice that is innovative and evidence-based, reflecting translational science at its best [SLO #3]. The EMU & GC DNP Partnership graduate demonstrates leadership through an emphasis on population health promotion of vulnerable populations, formation of a covenantal relationship with clients and groups.

Stewardship is understood as a call to living within the biblical themes of creation, redemption, and discipleship. Management of fiscal resources, as well as care of creation, are some of the prime practices within the concept of stewardship in an Anabaptist context.1
Human Flourishing is an emerging self-actualized well-being. The process of personal formation occurs within the context of the larger family and community. As students transform through the journey of one’s own human flourishing, they promote the flourishing of those in their care.2

Sacred Covenant is a philosophical approach to nursing that recognizes the interweaving of art, science, and spirit within the sacred ministry of health care and health promotion. The practice of nursing as a sacred covenant recognizes the holy spaces within relationships between nurse and client, whether individual, family, or community. The commitments of these relationships recognize all persons as created by God with human dignity and worth, working within a dynamic interdependent system of care.3

Peacemaking is a way of life based in the ethics of Anabaptist values of doing justice, and practicing reconciliation. 4. As nurses experience human connectedness, opportunities for building peace and justice emerge. 5.Living as peacemakers is an expression of rightness and goodness in love as participants in a world often filled with uncertainty and fear.5

    1. The Confession of Faith in an Anabaptist Perspective states “We believe that everything belongs to God, who calls us as the church to live as faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted to us” (Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective. Article 21. Christian Stewardship. Retrieved from Additional information on stewardship retrieved from
    2. See also National League for Nursing (NLN) Competencies for Graduates of Nursing Programs, retrieved from
    3. O’Brien, M.E. (2017). Spirituality in Nursing (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    4. Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective article 22
    5. Dossey, B.M. & Keegan, L. (2016). Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. prevention that is consistent with both EMU’s and GC’s mission of producing servant-leaders for the church and the world.


Tuition for 2025-2026: $880 per credit hour