iCore Technology Initiative: iPads for all

All undergrad first year students, and undergrad transfer students can receive an iPad to use while attending Goshen College.
We’ve been doing this since 2012, making Goshen College one of the first colleges in the world with an iPad one-to-one program. The iCore initiative and its iPad component grew out of an effort to engage our core value of passionate learning, with its call to master ‘an extensive foundation of knowledge, skills, processes and methodologies,’ using the tools of the second decade of the 21st century. Just as an earlier generation wrestled with the role of personal computers in a GC education, we are now faced with defining how mobile technology will reshape the way we teach and learn. This process cannot be fully scripted or its outcome shaped in advance. We shape it by daily engagement and incremental change that over time becomes transformational change, guided by our five core values.
Phase 1: Digital Foundation
This phase is integrally tied to the Goshen Core. By equipping incoming first-year students with iPads, we are establishing a digital foundation for our core program that supports curricular and pedagogical innovation, delivery of electronic materials, e-Books and e-Textbooks, and creation of multimedia student e-portfolios. Further, the iPad provides students with a powerful tool to enhance learning through ready access to Moodle, online resources, campus network services, digital reference materials, free digital books, collaboration and productivity tools, and discipline-specific apps.
Phase 2: Digital Innovation
Beyond its foundational use as an e-Book/e-Textbook/e-Portfolio tool, the iPad is defined by its broad array of apps. These apps span all disciplines and range from reference, to content, to tools, to services, to emulators, simulators and controllers. We are working to help the ensure iPad catalyzes innovation across the curriculum. This innovation will be shaped and driven by our professors and continuing students.
Preparing to receive your iPad
There are a few things that you will need to take care of as you prepare to receive your iPad.
Learn more by reading answers to Frequently Asked Questions.