AlgaeTown Biofuel Project

Aaron Kauffmann and Dr. Stan Grove remove a polypropylene mat that is used to harvest the algae grown in a photobioreactor.
Aaron Kauffmann and Dr. Stan Grove remove a polypropylene mat that is used to harvest the algae grown in a photobioreactor.

AlgaeTown, a joint research project of Goshen College and Formco, works to efficiently grow and harvest algae, which can be harvested on a mass scale for use in biofuels, pharmaceuticals and even food.

AlgaeTown’s prototype, a set of three gigantic green tanks, is located on the second floor of the Goshen College Science Hall.  Each of the photobioreactors features large florescent lights strapped to the outside of the tank to accelerate photosynthesis and are filled with 185 gallons of algae-rich water.  There are between 300,000 and 1 million different species of algae worldwide and the team has identified a particular strain to test its commercial viability.

Algaetown Promotional Video from FiveCore Media on Vimeo.

AlgaeTown in the Sun

more information coming soon..

AlgaeTown in the News