Homecoming Show: A Comedy Renaissance (Un Renacimiento de la Comedia)

Homecoming Show: A Comedy Renaissance (Un Renacimiento de la Comedia)
Dates and times: Friday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 7 at 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 8 at 2 p.m.
Location: Umble Center
Tickets: $6 general admission, free for Goshen College students and employees. Purchase tickets at goshen.edu/tickets
Audience appropriateness: All ages welcome, probably most enjoyable for ages 11 and up.
For this collaboration, the college’s Spanish and theater faculty chose an Entremes, a satirical sketch from the Spanish Golden Age. Renowned writers like Cervantes and deVega penned these to provide comic relief between the acts of tragedies. This staged reading explores one possibility of making bilingual theater on the Goshen College campus. If excellent storytelling transcends language, perhaps we can employ English and Spanish together and connect with even more audience members. Join us to discover how speakers of English, Spanish and both might playfully bring their voices to the stage. We look forward to our audience helping us learn to serve this diverse community through shared laughter.
This comedy performance is directed by Amy Budd, assistant professor of theater, and Cristobal Garza Gonzalez, associate professor of Spanish, and features an adaptation of Migeul de Cervantes’ farce, La guarda cuidadosa with translation by Charles Patterson and contributions by Goshen College faculty and students.
Performing Ensemble: Ashley Ramirez, Dontaye Albert, Eliza Aleman, Fatima Zahara, Irish Cortez, Jocsan Barahona Rosales, Mairin Mendoza, Meredith Blossom and Victor Vegas