Goshen College retains Tree Campus USA status
By Grace Van Note ’21
The Arbor Day Foundation has once again named Goshen College a Tree Campus USA for 2019. Tree Campus USA is a program launched in 2008 by the Arbor Day Foundation to honor colleges and universities and their leaders who promote trees on their campuses and engage students in their conservation.
“Goshen College is pleased, once again, to be designated a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation,” said Kevin Miller, the sustainability coordinator for Goshen College. “This designation indicates that we have an active Tree Committee that plans and holds events and workshops on and off campus to raise awareness of the benefits of trees on the environment and society, and how we can foster their health and growth.”
To obtain the title of Tree Campus USA, Goshen College had five core values to effectively meet:Establishment of a tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance, and the sponsorship of student service learning projects.
For 2020, The Arbor Day Foundation has divided the designation into two branches: Tree Campus USA and Tree Campus Higher Education, which is specifically for two and four year colleges who meet the five core standards of the award to promote healthy trees and student involvement.
According to Miller, there is a Goshen College Tree Committee on campus, and they are always looking for new members. “The Goshen College Tree Committee includes representation from the GC Sustainability Committee and any students and staff who are interested in participating.”
Please contact Kevin Miller, kwmiller@goshen.edu, if you are interested in joining the Goshen College Tree Committee.