Resource Fair for people with disabilities

Event: ADEC and Goshen College resource fair
Date and time: Saturday, March 19, 9 a.m. – noon
Location: College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall
Cost: Free
A free, public event for individuals with disabilities, family members and friends, teachers, students, professionals and community members will be held on Saturday, March 19 from 9 am – noon in the College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall.
ADEC, the Goshen College Social Work Program and the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies are sponsoring this event, which will include information tables for more than 40 community service providers from Elkhart and the surrounding counties, along with three break-out sessions. Break-out session topics include:
- “Transition to Adulthood: Guardianship, SSI and More,”
- “Encouraging independence in Your Kids,”
- “Advocacy Links–Hallelujah! I Have a Waiver…Now What?”
- Trusts: Saving for Your Loved One’s Future,”
- “Transition to Adult Services.” Come for all or part of the morning
ADEC is a nonprofit organization that advocates for and serves people with developmental and cognitive disabilities in Elkhart and St. Joseph Counties.
For more information, contact Viv Blakeslee at 574-294-6197 ext. 3104, or