Robert Ebendorf

- Feb. 21 & 22 workshops, “Design on the Edge” limited to Goshen Art Students
- Feb. 21, 7 p.m., Church Chapel, Lecture. — open to the public*
- Reception in Art Gallery following the lecture. — open to the public*
- Feb. 22, 10 a.m. Convocation, Church Chapel. — open to the public*
Reception in Art Gallery following the lecture. — open to the public*
*There is no charge, but if possible, do let us know the size of your group so that we can accommodate the size of the audience. If you are bringing art students, give us a call or send and e-mail so your students can meet our art faculty/artists and we can show them some to the art highlights on campus.
Feb. 18 – Mar. 20, 2002, Exhibit of Jewelry and Wall Pieces
Goshen College Art Gallery open to the public