Fetal Pig Dissection Guide
Including Sheep Heart, Brain and Eye
3rd edition
James S. Miller, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology, Goshen College (1980 – 2011)
Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by James S. Miller
- This laboratory manual was developed over a period of four years, with the help of numerous Goshen College students. See the list of credits for their names.
- You may see examples of book content: table of contents, a list of illustrations, a two page sample of the contents, and examples of medical notes.
- You may also see a page of pig and dissection humor, a description of why fetal pigs are good dissection specimens, or a large collection of hints and tips and interesting facts about the fetal pig.

Important educational features of this dissection guide include:
- Designed to work with students’ natural dissecting style
- All important structures are clearly visible on one or more of the 63 illustrations
- Illustrations are on the same page or facing page from their textual descriptions
- Illustrations are designed to be as life-like as possible, while clearly identifying important structures
- Items on illustrations are identified by number rather than name, encouraging students to read the accompanying text
- Clearly written descriptions
- Each important structure is identified by bold type and underlining at the beginning of a paragraph describing the structure
- Dissection instructions are written to be as clear and accurate as possible
- Printed with a large, clear typeface to make it easy to read in the lab setting
- Designed to accommodate various types of classes
- Material is organized to facilitate omitting selected sections if time is limited
- More difficult material within sections is marked to facilitate special treatment
- Supplementary material is organized within appendices
- Organized for ease of navigation
- Table of Contents, List of Figures, and Index facilitate locating specific material
- In important cases, cross-references to other illustrations are given within the text
- Medical Notes – special sections that enhance relevance
- 33 of these special, boxed sections make connections between the structures students are studying and relevant human diseases of those structures
Fetal Pig Dissection Guide
113 pages, 63 illustrations, 33 medical notes. Coil bound.
Last updated Sept., 2004
For orders or more information contact Linda Miller at:
(574) 533-8819 or lindasuderman56@gmail.com
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