July 2010 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume
July 2010 Number Three

In This Issue
A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writings of Stanley Hauerwas
Angus Paddison and Darren Sarisky

"Make Us Your Laughter": Stanley Hauerwas’s Joke on Mennonites
Chris Huebner

For and Against Hauerwas Against Mennonites
Peter Dula

The "Fear of the Lord" is the Beginning of Anabaptist Wisdom
Mark Thiessen Nation

Friendship, Alienation, Love: Stanley Hauerwas and John Howard Yoder
Alex Sider

Speaking Christian: A Commencement Address for Eastern Mennonite Seminary
Stanley Hauerwas

News and Announcements
Book Reviews
Leu, Urs B. and Christian Scheidegger, eds. Die Zürcher Täufer 1525-1700.
Reviewed by James W. Lowry
Webster, Charles. Paracelsus: Medicine, Magic and Mission at the End of Time.
Reviewed by Gary K. Waite
Packull, Werner O. Peter Riedemann: Shaper of the Hutterite Tradition.
Reviewed by Astrid von Schlachta
Myeshkov, Dmytro. Die Schwarzmeerdeutschen und ihre Welten, 1781-1871.
Reviewed by John R. Staples
Schartner, Sieghard and Sylvia Dürksen de Schartner. Bolivien: Zufluchtsort der konservativen Mennoniten.
Reviewed by Gerhard Reimer
Yaguchi, Yorifumi. The Wing-Beaten Air: My Life and Writing.
Birky, Wilbur J., ed. The Poetry of Yorifumi Yaguchi: A Japanese Voice in English.
Reviewed by Di Brandt.
Reed, Ken Yoder. He Flew Too High.
Reviewed by Ervin Beck
Clemens, Judy. Lost Sons.
Reviewed by Wilbur Birky
Krabill, James R. and David W. Shenk, eds. Jesus Matters: Good News for the 21st Century.
Reviewed by Joni S. Sancken
Hiebert, Paul G. The Gospel in Human Contexts: Anthropological Explora-tions for Contemporary Missions.
Hiebert, Paul G. Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Under-standing of How People Change.
Reviewed by George F. Pickens
Izuzquiza, Daniel. Rooted in Jesus Christ: Toward a Radical Ecclesiology.
Reviewed by Isaac S. Villegas
Hess, Cynthia. Sites of Violence, Sites of Grace: Christian Nonviolence and the Traumatized Self.
Reviewed by Carolyn Yoder
Author Addresses

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