Mennonite Historical Society Publications
Browse the following publications and order them below.
Letters of the Amish Division: A Sourcebook

Edited by John D. Roth
This collection of primary sources represents a significant advance in our understanding of the events that led to the painful division between the Amish and Mennonites in the last decade of the 17th century.
A fresh translation of 19 key documents along with an introductory essay that sets the context for a deeper understanding the sources. The book also includes several appendixes, a scripture index and a name/subject index.
The most complete collection of these documents is now available in a clearly formatted and readable form.
Of interest to researchers, genealogists and anyone interested in knowing more about the beginnings of the Amish church.
“They Harry the Good People Out of the Land”

Essays on the persecution, Survival and Flourishing of the Anabaptists and Mennonites
By John S. Oyer
Edited by John D. Roth
For more than forty years, John S. Oyer devoted himself to the study, teaching and promotion of Anabaptist, Mennonite and Amish history. The essays gathered together in this volume–almost all unpublished up to now–testify to the breadth of Oyer’s insatiable curiosity, his meticulous scholarship, and his deep love of language. Topics range from 16th century Anabaptism (historiography, recantation, hymnody, congregational life, martyrdom), to Amish history and theology, to autobiographical reflections on life in a Civilian Public Service Camp during World War II.
Migrant Muses: Mennonite/s Writing in the U.S

Edited by John D. Roth and Ervin Beck
In this landmark collection, 17 authors and literary critics
assay the current state of “Mennonite/s Writing in the
United States.”
In addition to a general survey of recent Mennonite poetry and fiction, this wide-ranging volume includes:
- Numerous critical analyses of
- Works by Mennonite authors
- Discussions of Mennonite literary archetypes
- Extended reflections on the themes of ethnicity,
gender and the authorial voice - Tributes to three pioneers in Mennonite literature
- Seven reviews of recent books
A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writings of John Howard Yoder

Compiled by Mark Thiessen Nation
This 60-page booklet includes a complete listing of John Howard Yoder’s published and unpublished writings (from 1947 to 1997) and a list of publications about Yoder and his work.
John Howard Yoder’s extensive works address themes of:
- The Life of the Mennonite Church and its Anabaptist Heritage
- Ecumenical and Inter-faith Dialogue
- Translations of Primary Writings of the Anabaptists
- Scripture Scholarship
- Critiques of Major Works in Social Ethics
- Violence and Nonviolence, Pacifism and the Just War Tradition
- A Distinctive Approach to Theology and Ethics
“I hope and pray that this bibliography will help to keep alive for generations to come the tradition that John Howard Yoder has so diligently, ecumenically, and profoundly interpreted for us.”
— Mark Thiessen Nation
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