Engineering Physics Course Listings

This major is designed for students in the 3-2 engineering program.

Major in engineering physics

56 credit hours

  • Phys 105, Physics and Engineering 2
  • Phys 203-204, General Physics 8
  • Phys 220, Engineering Statics 3
  • Phys 302, Analytical Mechanics 3
  • Phys 304, Electronics 4
  • Phys 310, Thermodynamics 3
  • Phys 410, Senior Seminar 3
  • Physics elective 3
  • Chem 111-112, General Chemistry 8
  • Math 211-212, Calculus I & II 8
  • Math 213, Multivariate Calculus 4
  • Math 321, Differential Equations 3
  • CoSc 216, Programming I 4

Student learning outcomes
Graduates in engineering physics will:

  1. Apply principles from primary physical theories: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics.
  2. Demonstrate facility with mathematical and computational tools of an engineer or a physicist: calculus, differential equations, programming languages, computational environments, and spreadsheets.
  3. Demonstrate facility with laboratory equipment and ability to analyze and visualize data using tools such as graphing, curve fitting, and statistical analysis.
  4. Carry out independent design projects and research, both individually and collaboratively.
  5. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills to present technical matters to a variety of audiences.

Planning and advising notes
If the student attends only six semesters at Goshen, the senior seminar and elective may be fulfilled by transferring courses from the engineering school back to Goshen College. The transfer courses need not be close curricular matches. In similar fashion, the NW perspectives course required in the CORE may be met by transferring a course from the engineering school. Students who remain at Goshen for more than six semesters must meet the full major and CORE requirements.

Engineering 3-2 program

The 3-2 engineering program combines a liberal arts background from Goshen College with an engineering degree from one of the leading engineering schools in the nation. The student spends three years at Goshen College and two years at the engineering school. Goshen College will grant the B.A. degree when the student completes both the engineering curriculum at the partner school and the Goshen College requirements. Goshen College has formal 3-2 partnership program agreements with the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Ind.), Case School of Engineering of the Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio), and Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, Ind.). Transfer to other engineering schools is possible and common but is done on an individual basis.

Admission to engineering studies at Notre Dame is granted to a student with a 3.6 overall grade point average, upon recommendation of the physics department. Engineering fields available at University of Notre Dame are:

  • Aerospace
  • Chemical
  • Civil
  • Computer
  • Electrical
  • Environmental
  • Mechanical

Admission to engineering studies at Valparaiso is granted to a student with a 3.0 overall grade point average, upon recommendation of the physics department. Engineering fields available at Valparaiso University are:

  • Bioengineering
  • Civil
  • Computer
  • Electrical
  • Environmental
  • Mechanical

A student entering Goshen College with one or more AP courses accepted may want to consider the following electives at Goshen College which would replace required courses at the partner school: Math 301: Linear algebra (Notre Dame or Valparaiso) or Math 323: Probability and Statistics (Valparaiso).

Planning guide for engineering physics major

First year Goshen Core
Calculus I & II
General Physics I & II
Physics and Engineering (first year seminar)
Programming I
Multivariate Calculus
Second year Goshen Core
General Chemistry I & II
Differential Equations
Engineering Statics
Foreign language
Third year Goshen Core
Analytical Mechanics
SST (spring or summer)