October 2001 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume
October 2001 Number Four

Author Addresses

In Memoriam: John A. Hostetler

In This Issue
John D. Roth

The Anabaptists and the Jews: The Case of Htzer, Denck and the Worms
James Beck

Lay Casuistry and the Survival of Later Anabaptists in Bern
Mark Furner

Eighteenth-Century Anabaptists in the Margravate
of Baden and Neighboring Territories

Michaela Schmlz-Hberlein and Mark Hberlein

John Knox Confronts the Anabaptists: The Intellectual
Aspects of His Encounter

Richard G. Kyle

Research Note: Religious Nonconformists in the Village of Wasselnheim,
John D. Derksen

Book Reviews

Zijlstra, Samme. Om de ware gemeente en de oude gronden. Geschiedenis
van de dopersen in de Nederlanden 1531-1675. Reviewed by James M.

Reschly, Steven D. The Amish on the Iowa Prairie 1840 to 1910.
Reviewed by Dorothy Pratt

Shenk, Wilbert R. By Faith They Went Out: Mennonite Missions, 1850-1999.
Reviewed by Theron F. Schlabach

Lund, Cynthia Wales, comp. A Bainton Bibliography. Reviewed by
Leonard Gross

Redekop, Calvin, ed. Creation and the Environment. Reviewed by
Eric R. Kurtz

Schrag, Dale and James Juhnke, eds. Anabaptist Visions for the New
Millennium: A Search for Identity. Reviewed by R. Nancy Heisey

Swartley, Willard M., ed. Violence Renounced: Ren Girard, Biblical
Studies and Peacemaking. Reviewed by Jo-Ann A. Brandt

News and Announcements

Cumulative Index – 2001

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