Goshen College expects all students be covered by a personal or family health insurance plan.
Students may use their medical insurance to cover payment of services at Goshen Family Physicians (GFP), a medical service provider located near campus. Payment with cash, check, credit or debit card can be used for services that insurance does not cover.

Goshen Family Physicians also accepts patients with Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0 insurance (HIP 2.0). The Healthy Indiana Plan provides coverage for qualified low-income Hoosiers ages 19 to 64, who are interested in participating in a low-cost, consumer-driven health care program. How to enroll in HIP.
Here is more information about your health insurance options as college students from healthcare.gov (whether you are from Indiana, out-of-state, a dependent under 26 years old, not a dependent, or older than 26).
Students must have a Confidential Health Form on file in the Goshen College Health Services Office in order to use Goshen Family Physicians. Submit the Confidential Health Form to Paige Renshaw in the Student Life Office.
Student-athletes need to provide proof of insurance to the Athletic Office. Information related to this process is available here.
International Students
International students are required purchase insurance through the International Student Insurance website and provide proof of insurance to the international student adviser, unless they have a documented and approved plan from their home country. Athletes must purchase the “Budget” option or above and the “sports rider”. Non-athletes can pick any plan. Enrollment for new students must happen prior to arrival in the US and all students are required to have continuous coverage while they are in the United States. Provide proof of purchase to Dan Koop Liechty, dankl@goshen.edu, if you are a returning student, or to admissions@goshen.edu if you are a new student.