By Paul Steury, Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center K-12 education coordinator DEVOTIONAL: The main problem with winter for a lot of us is the lack of sunshine. That glorious light gives us energy as well as power to the earth. Have you noticed maple tree buds waiting to burst and daffodils pleading with the sun … Keep reading »
March 28: Live as children of light
By Chris Wood, associate professor of nursing THIS WEEK’S THEME: Live as children of light DEVOTIONAL: Both our lives and the entire environment are filled with opposites. Light… dark. Spring…winter. Warm…cold. This week’s Lenten theme of encouraging us to live as children of light echoes many opposites we experience. Beyond these, we are also reminded … Keep reading »
March 25: Water for your pain
By Reuben Sancken, a senior Bible and religion major from Tolono, Ill. DEVOTIONAL: Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well and asked for a drink of water. Public interaction between men and women, and Jews and Samaritans, were usually avoided in his day. He could have gotten his own water or waited to ask … Keep reading »
March 24: Seeking our destination
By Vicky Kirkton, associate professor of nursing DEVOTIONAL: Once when I arrived at the airport in Washington, D.C., to attend a professional conference, I had plenty of time and decided to get to my hotel via the city transit system. I had been to this conference many times and felt confident that I could navigate … Keep reading »
March 22: The Lord IS among us
By Ross Peterson-Veatch, associate academic dean and director of curriculum and faculty development for the Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning DEVOTIONAL: I was 15 years old hiking with my youth group to the summit of Cerro Pedernal, a flat-top butte-like mountain that lords over the desert plains of northern New Mexico. The journey to … Keep reading »
March 21: Give me this water
By Becky Horst, associate registrar, grants coordinator and convocation coordinator THIS WEEK’S THEME: Give me this water DEVOTIONAL: When our first child was almost two years old, she developed severe diarrhea. Pediasure® didn’t yet exist, and I was an inexperienced parent who didn’t know how to feed a child in her condition. She grew lethargic … Keep reading »
March 18: Another kind of birth
By Ben Sutter, a junior history and communication double major from South Bend, Ind. DEVOTIONAL: Nicodemus is like us. He doesn’t understand. “Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can these things be?’” We are like Nicodemus, confused by Jesus’ talk of the Spirit blowing and second birth from above. And yet Jesus the patient Teacher, tries … Keep reading »
March 17: Who are we keeping out?
By Michael Sherer, director of Information Technology Services DEVOTIONAL: In the season of Lent, the Christian church liturgically reminds itself who it is and what is important. This annual ritual may include a combination of reflection, introspection, self-sacrifice, service, study and remembering the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus – all edifying and appropriate.
March 16: When I slip down the hill
By Emily Yoder, a junior nursing major from Bird-in-Hand, Pa. DEVOTIONAL: In elementary school, I memorized Psalm 121 in our girls club at church. I still remember the motions that we made to this passage, especially verses 3-4, which say that God will not let your foot be moved, and that God neither slumbers nor … Keep reading »
March 15: Are you ready to turn your life upside down?
By Jodi Beyeler, news bureau director DEVOTIONAL: Last year, my sister and her husband received a phone call on April Fools’ Day that turned their lives upside down. Fortunately it wasn’t a joke: the twin boys they sought to adopt had been born…almost two months early!