Back to where we started
The 5+ weeks of service are over. We gathered back in Musoma on Tuesday. On Wednesday we took a bus to Mwanza, and an airplane to Dar.
Back in Dar es Salaam, students are staying at the YMCA once again—where they stayed the very first night.
When you come back to where you started it’s easier to see what has changed and how each of us has changed. We have a new appreciation for the running water at the Y, something that most of us have gone without during the last 5+ weeks. We are also realizing how much more Swahili we are speaking, and how much more comfortable we’ve become living in Tanzania.
In Musoma and Dar (and continuing in Zanzibar) we’re hearing each other’s project presentations. We continued on to Zanzibar after one night in Dar, where we’ll be until the day before students fly back to Chicago.