
On Friday of our second week in Thiès, we spent the morning and afternoon with the Talibé in a variety of settings. The Talibé are boys from between three to fourteen years of age who often come from rural settings to live with a Marabout (Sufi Muslim teacher) in what is called a Daara or school. The Talibé often spend part of the day begging for alms to help support their Daara and Marabout and are also taught the Koran.

In the morning we started at a small home-front kitchen run by a Costa Rican missionary family that provides the Talibé with breakfast. We then went with some of the Talibé to visit with one of their Marabout. In the afternoon we visited a center that provides shelter, food, and education for street children, often including some of the Talibé, or former Talibé, in their numbers.

GC students entertained the Talibé with song, dance, sport, and games.

Dancing with the Talibe