By Sarah Rody, a senior mathematics major from Sterling, Ohio DEVOTIONAL: Abraham truly was the father of many nations. Sarah was a mother of nations as well, although she is not recognized across as many religions. This past summer I witnessed the true diversity of Abraham’s nations.
Feb. 27: A multitude of nations
By Becky Horst, associate registrar and convocation coordinator THIS WEEK’S THEME: A multitude of nations DEVOTIONAL: “Google Earth” software can focus on your house, then zoom out and out, wider and wider, until a satellite view of the whole earth fills your computer screen. Perhaps, like me, you have had “zooming out” experiences that help … Keep reading »
Feb. 24: Unexplainable love
By Karina Rohrer-Meck, a junior nursing major from Archbold, Ohio DEVOTIONAL: “I will remember my covenant” is this week’s theme. Sometimes in our everyday, busy lives, this is easy to forget.
Feb. 23: Fresh start
By Jeff Hochstetler, manager of the student apartments DEVOTIONAL: My legs ached from the piston-like movement that they had been repeating the last several hours. Pulling over to a rest stop for a much-needed break, I wondered to my friend Nate, “Did we bite off more than we could chew?”
Feb. 22: Where do I sign?
By Bob Yoder, campus minister WELCOME: Welcome to Goshen College’s online devotionals for the 2012 Lent season! Our theme this year, taken from Mennonite Church USA worship resources found in Leader magazine, is “Where Do I Sign?” Every Monday an author will introduce the sub-theme, whereas the following weekdays authors will reflect on a specific … Keep reading »
Welcome to Goshen College Lenten Devotions 2012: Beginning Feb. 22 (Ash Wed.)
Goshen College again offers an online resource to help believers make time and space in their hearts and minds to reflect during the season of Lent. Beginning Feb. 22 (Ash Wednesday) and culminating on April 8 (Easter), Goshen College students, faculty and staff will provide weekday reflections based on lectionary Scripture passages. Subscribe to receive … Keep reading »