Langzhong site visit

Upon leaving Nanbu on Monday evening, Jo-Ann and Joe went on to Langzhong, about a 30-minute ride to the north and checked into the same hotel we all had stayed at during our National Holiday excursion to this beautiful city. In Langzhong, our students are teaching in two teams at “Duowei” one of four campuses of the middle school here. (Goshen students also taught here in 2008.) They are working with the junior middle school students (grades 6-8). Several days before our arrival, we learned that there would be school-wide exams on the day of our visits, so we located our students in the office the school provided them. Rain plagued us today again, so it was convenient to be able to speak with each of the students in a dry and (comparatively) warm place. At noon we headed to the nearby “ancient city” area for lunch. The fried dumpling place we had enjoyed during National Holiday was not open for lunch, but nearby we discovered some of the tastiest noodles any of us had yet had. After lunch we headed to Emily’s host family’s nearby home: a reconstructed residence honoring Langzhong notable Luxiao Hong, an astronomer. The dreary chill of this autumn day eventually drove us to partake of the local special hot vinegar foot bath and foot massage. We ended the day with a delicious hot pot meal hosted by officials and teachers of the school.

(Again, our apologies for the feeble visual representation of our visit–the combination of a malfunctioning camera and unfavorable weather.)