On Monday and Tuesday we were able to be back in the field to finish up research data collection. On Monday, we finally saw a manatee in Zane Grey creek as we headed out to Triton flat! While at Triton flat, we gathered data for three different research projects and were able to see some new species as well. We identified the fire worm, a new species of sea cucumber, and many brittle stars.
On Tuesday, we traveled to Old Dan Bank. Two different groups were collecting data there while others identified new species of gastropods and the largest sea cucumber we’ve seen (Holothuria mexicana). We planned to collect some data in the mangroves of the Bight, but I didn’t pay enough attention to the tides and we arrived at low tide. It was too shallow to do any effective work! Students spent the evening eating pizza, relaxing, and studying for the final exam that will take place on Wednesday. Our time in Florida is quickly coming to an end!
Jody Saylor, instructor