Course Descriptions
Communication Course Descriptions
COMM 202 Oral Communication 3
A study of communication theories as applied to oral communication. Practical experience in a variety of activities including interpersonal communication, public speaking, small-group communication, persuasion and nonverbal communication. Attention is given to communicating in a culturally diverse society.
COMM 240 Communication Research 3
An introduction to theory building and research methodology of mass communication. Course focuses on the practical aspects of communication research, providing a framework for conducting quantitative and qualitative research..
COMM 270 Media, Law & Ethics 3
The course provides an introduction to the U.S. legal system and the major principles of media law. The course will cover issues like access to information, accuracy, conflicts of interest, deception, fairness, libel, obscenity, plagiarism and privacy. Students will devote attention to models of ethical decision-making as they are applied both personally and to the media.
COMM 322 Organizational Communication 3
An exploration of communication within organizations, as well as communication between organizations and the larger society. Topics include theories of communication and organizational structure; examination of power, culture, and conflict in organizations; and analysis of verbal and nonverbal messages in interpersonal, small-group and public settings. Assignments will assist students in developing skills in listening, analysis, speaking and writing. Prerequisite: Comm 240 or Bus 254.
COMM 324 Principles of Public Relations 3
Introduction to public relations contexts, issues and practices – research, planning, communicating and evaluating. Emphasis on skills in analyzing public opinion and in communication with internal and external publics, with special attention to not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: Comm 240 or Bus 254.
COMM 342 Advanced Workplace Writing 3
This course will focus on key writing forms for the workplace, including memoranda, letters, email, and research reports. Attention will be paid to style, usage, organization, rhetoric, and audience. Students will prepare writing for submission in the workplace.
COMM 340 Social Media Strategies 3
A survey of the field of social media, including theory, methods, operations, and ethics. Practical study will include a critical review of the social media process in varied digital settings.
COMM 383 Communication and Society 3
A study of communication issues in modern society with attention to the persons, institutions, media and systems that facilitate social interaction. An overview of communication philosophy as a basis for ethical and aesthetic perspectives.
COMM 385 Studies in Communication 3
Investigations into particular communication issues: social, scientific, philosophic, historical, aesthetic, political or institutional. Focus on an institution or topic of current interest.
COMM 408 Workplace Immersion (Internship) 3
Experiential learning, usually in an off-campus professional setting, for communication majors. The student contracts with a faculty member in regard to goals, performance expectations, supervision, and evaluation. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
COMM 410 Senior Seminar 3
Senior Seminar offers a consideration of ethical and professional issues in the fields of art, communication, English, and theater. Assignments include information interviews with practitioners in the respective fields, oral presentations, and the preparation of a capstone portfolio and polished resume. With a focus on vocation, the course prepares students for professional work and other pursuits, including graduate school.
COMM 412 Special Project 1 (1-3)
Students may conduct research of particular interest or pursue specialized applied projects in communication under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Goshen COREĀ (general education) courses
CORE 210 Professional Communication Skills 4
A course for adult students that responds to the challenges of professional communication expectations. The focus is on critique and the development of individual written and oral communication skills for content, style and effectiveness. Access and management of information will also be addressed.
CORE 309 Leading and Serving in a Multicultural World 3
The modern workforce is rapidly becoming a mosaic of colors, languages, cultural traditions and values. This demographic reality poses an immense challenge for both workforce and leaders. The goal of this course is to better understand different cultural values and styles, to recognize one’s own biases and assumptions and to value diversity. Designed for students in adult programs.
PJCS 210 Transforming Conflict and Violence 3
Explores the potentially constructive nature of conflict, the destructive nature of violence and the relationship between the two. Examines various patterns of communication, conflict and violence and what is needed for transformation. Students will reflect on their own conflict styles, build their skills for peacemaking and examine their personal temptations for violence.