On service in Kemgesi

We are starting our visits to students on service!

Ben and Lydia are in one of the remotest villages: Kemgesi is largely settled by Ngoreme people. It lies on a broad plain between distant hills.

Ben is teaching Physics and Math at the secondary school.  One of Mw. Nyerere’s strategies for uniting the 120+ tribes of Tanzania was to send students to secondary schools in different parts of the country from where they grew up.  Like many schools, Ben’s has a dormitory for boarding students.  But most students are “day scholars” from the local community.

Lydia is teaching in a chekechea (nursery school) in the mornings.  She walks to school–about 30 minutes from her home.  Her mother runs a food stand by the main road, and served us midmorning chai of chapatis and tea.  We visited with Ben’s mom, and had lunch, tambi and maharage,  a bit later.

They are both finding great ways, including their work, to be involved in their community, and are speaking a lot of Swahili.