Mennonite higher education: A wheel, a heart or a prairie?
I’ve been pondering metaphors for what Mennonite Higher Education Association (MHEA) is within the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement of 2019.
Goshen College President Rebecca Stoltzfus offers regular and intimate reflections on campus, interesting people she’s met, conversations she’s part of and higher education today.
Email her: president@goshen.edu
I’ve been pondering metaphors for what Mennonite Higher Education Association (MHEA) is within the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement of 2019.
If you spend much time with adolescents or young adults, you may be pondering the phenomenon of anxiety, as I am. It is epidemic, and it is real.
Whatever personality we begin with, leaders learn to work with their personalities and beyond their personalities rather than be constrained by them.