John D. Roth, professor of history and director of the Mennonite Historical Library, will give the annual C. Henry Smith Peace lecture Tuesday night. This convocation is a preview of that presentation, which describes an initiative that is gathering stories of persecution and faithfulness in Anabaptist churches around the globe. The end product may be a new Martyr’s Mirror for the 21st century.
Archives for 2013
Chapel: GC Chamber Choir
Convocation: Morocco SST, Fall 2012
Chapel: Employee Faith Story – Julie Reese, professor of psychology
Dr. Julie Reese is a cancer survivor, a Christian, and a psychology professor here at GC.
Convocation: “Strong Relationships Begin with a Strong You” – Jennifer Beer, campus counselor
Chapel: Camping Inquiry – 2012 CIP students
Each summer several GC students do “Camping Inquiry Program” internships at church camps across the continent, learning about leadership in those settings. The 2012 CIP students will lead this chapel service.
Convocation: “Crossing Cultures @ GC” – International student stories
Student speakers will be Solongo Gonchigsuren, Adama Millogo, Jan Zawadzki, and Yohaan Varghese.
Chapel: “Spirited Life: Body/Spirit Integration”
Convocation: Peru Spanish/ASL SST, fall 2012
Students from the first ever combined Spanish/American Sign Language SST unit in Peru will tell about their experiences.
Chapel: “Spirited Life: Activism”
Students reflect on the School of the Americas (SOA) protest last November from the perspective of faith.
Special Extended MLK Day Convocation (to 11:15)
2013 MLK Jr. Study Day – “Shalom: That we may be whole” — Dr. Wilbert Smith, featured presenter; Dana Johnson, featured author
Chapel: “Spirited Life: Prayer Practices”
Convocation: “GC Faculty: Passionate Learners”
President Brenneman will introduce this Core Values Institute Convocation featuring three faculty members: Kristi Glick (art), Jon Geiser (business) and Dan Smith (chemistry).