2018 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest
Five Goshen College students presented speeches during the 2018 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest on Tuesday, Feb. 13. This year’s participants and their topics were:
• Achieng Agutu, a senior public relations major from Kisumu, Kenya, will deliver a speech titled “The Introduction: A Story of Inner Peace.”
• Sara Azzuni, a junior nursing major, will deliver a speech titled “Mother, What Was War?”
• Deeksha Pagar, a senior physics and chemistry major from Maharashtra, India, will deliver a speech titled “The Peace Within Us.”
• Mandira Panta, a junior sustainability studies major from Bhaktapur, Nepal, will deliver a speech titled “Shades of Injustice.”
• Katie Yoder, a junior history major from Stryker, Ohio, will deliver a speech titled “Loving Your Redneck Neighbor.”
Photos by Dillon Hershey ’20