The Arrival of the 2019 Study-Service Theology Term Group!
By 7:30 p.m. this evening, 18 of the 20 Study-Service Theology Term Scholars had arrived on Goshen College’s campus, so we’re off to a roaring start! We picked up one student from the South Bend Airport and one from the Elkhart train station, and others drove in or were delivered to campus by their parents or grandparents. We’re only awaiting two students yet — Camila and Isabel — but they are coming from Puerto Rico and won’t arrive until nearly midnight tonight. Apologies to them and their parents since tonight’s group photo only includes the first 18 arrivals.
Tonight we’re informally interacting, eating pizza and doing get-to-know-you games both inside and outside of the dorm. Joel and Brook our SSTT program assistants, got everyone checked in and settled into the dorms this afternoon. Tomorrow our more formal orientation begins, with an introduction to the themes of pilgrimage, work on forming conversational covenants, a kahoot exercise on Guatemalan history, culture and politics, beginning work on Pilgrimage Journals and Daily Journals, and an Indian dinner at the Graber Miller home near campus.
It’s already looking like a good-humored, fully engaged group, and we feel grateful to meet this cohort of SSTTers. We’ll keep you posted with another blog tomorrow. Please feel free to send the blog link to other family and friends so we can share this pilgrimage with others who care about this extraordinary group of young scholars and followers of Christ.