Before Parting for the Highlands, a Warm Farewell in Lima
February 23, 2015
By Karen and Duane Sherer Stoltzfus
Peru SST Co-Directors, 2014-2015
Lea and Maria prepare Maria’s family recipe for guacamole.
Coming at the end of every term of study on SST, the despedida reflects the personality and dynamics of the group of students who are saying goodbye to their host families.
Students introduce themselves to host families by sharing two truths and a lie.
As the mistress of ceremonies, Lea welcomed the families. The students then joined her on stage and introduced themselves through a Spanish version of the icebreaker, “Two Truths and a Lie” in which Joanna admitted that in fact she has gotten off at the wrong bus stop more than five times.
The host families were charged with discerning and voting on the lie that each student had tucked between two truths. With the most correct guesses, Joanna’s family — Rosario, Maria, and Jimena — took the prize: a box of marshmallows covered in chocolate (called Besos de Moza).
During their language classes, our group of nine collaborated on a humorous play about a love triangle in which Ammon and Christian believe they have fallen in love with the same Rosa (whom we are repeatedly reminded is “bella, guapa, hermosa y sexy” — in other words, highly attractive). The brothers even exchange soft blows till their mother, Elizabeth, intervenes. A priest, Micah, is called in.
During a skit, Christian and Ammon fear they’ve fallen in love with the same woman.
As narrators, Lea and Ike set the stage for a suspenseful denouement. As it happens, there are two Rosas, played by Maria and Courtney, so all is well. Elizabeth leaps into Micah’s arms, and Christian into Ammon’s. As the play ends, Joanna leads a toast to the happy couples.
The group also joined voices for three verses of “Be Thou My Vision,” sung in both English and Spanish. Several weeks earlier they sang the hymn at an ecumenical church unity service held at the Anglican Cathedral of the Good Shepherd (which is our home for language classes, lectures and workshops).
In a second number, Ike, on the guitar, joined Elizabeth and Joanna in a rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”
Following the formal program, there was time for games, snowflake making and family photos – along with plenty of food for hungry families, many of whom came directly to the despedida through Lima traffic from work or other activities.
Elizabeth and her host family play a round of Dutch Blitz.
In one corner of the room, Elizabeth taught her family to play “Dutch Blitz,” which has become a favorite card game among host families. Meanwhile, Courtney was making snowflakes (nod to Goshen) with her host mother, Stally, and sister, Sofia.
The menu for the light meal that followed included chips and guacamole, popcorn, fruit salad, pasta salad, cocktail potatoes with aji dip, toothpick skewers with Peruvian corn and cheese, and three desserts (crema volteada, tres leches and chocolate cake).
During the next two days, we said farewell to the students as they left via bus or plane for their individual service assignments, in Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cusco and Tarma.
Courtney’s host family says goodbye as she leaves, via bus, for her service location.
In the coming weeks, we’ll visit all four cities in the highlands (publishing blog posts for each location, as well as for several earlier highlights, including our visit to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley).
A sign welcomes families and friends to the despedida.The centerpieces also served as a take-home gift for the families.Micah created a llama for a ‘pin the tail on the llama’ game.Students decorate and practice their program during the hours before the despedida.Ike, Jo and Elizabeth rehearse a song.Lea and Maria prepare Maria’s family recipe for guacamole.Ammon and Ike chop tomatoes for the guacamole.Students waiting for families to arrive.Micah, Joanna and Courtney relax before the party.Everyone gathered in the Buen Pastor auditorium.Lea and Celia welcome families and other guests.Students introduce themselves by sharing two truths and a lie.Ammon flirts with Rosa (Maria) during a skit.During the skit, Christian and Ammon fear they’ve fallen in love with the same woman. Liz appears in the role of their mother.Students say thank you to their families.Bivi (our drama coach), Ana (one of our Spanish teachers), and her son, Joseph.Alicia and families clap for the students following the program.Willie shares a few words about service assignments.Courtney holds her host sister, Sofia.Courtney helps Sofia pin the tail on the llama.Families help themselves to a buffet.Ammon spins Alicia’s granddaughter before she pins the tail on the llama.Elizabeth and her host family play a round of Dutch Blitz.Christian poses with members of his host family and his host niece, Sofia.Courtney poses with host sister, Sofia.The postres (Black Forest and Tres Leches cakes, and Crema Volteada) were very popular!Lea, Jo and Jimena play a game called ‘Mennonite Madness.’Christian and Courtney make snowflakes with family members.Alicia poses with her twin granddaughters.Ammon spins a blindfolded Lea. Her host brother holds the tail.Bivi and Ana.Willy and Candy.Courtney and her host mom and sister.Elizabeth and family get silly.Maria poses with her host parents and aunt.Students pose with Bivi, drama coach extraordinaire.Profesora, Ana, and her crazy language students.Ammon with host sister, Gloria, and host parents, Norma and Carlos.Ammon (?) with host sister, Gloria, and host parents, Norma and Carlos.Micah poses with his host parents, Percy and Sonia.Micah with Percy and Sonia, in disguise.Lea poses with host sister, Claudia, and host mom, Marisel.Courtney’s host family says goodbye as she leaves by bus for her service location.Liz says goodbye to host dad, Christian, at the Cruz del Sur bus station.Courtney and Liz line up to get on the bus for Arequipa.Joanna says goodbye to her host family at the Cruz del Sur bus station on Friday evening.Ike’s host parents, Cecilia and Eduardo, brought him to the bus station.Ammon’s host family, along with Duane, pose for a photo before he leaves for Ayacucho.Ammon hugs his host mom, Norma, as his host dad, Carlos, looks on.Ammon at the gate before getting on the bus.Ike prepares for a long bus ride to Ayacucho.Micah and Lea at the airport Saturday morning before leaving for Cusco.Maria with host mom, Charo, and host dad, Juan, at the La Merced bus station.Christian before getting on the bus with Maria for service in Tarma.