Anabaptist-Mennonite studies

Minor in Anabaptist-Mennonite studies

18 credit hours

  • Core courses selected from the following list: 12
    • Bibl 321, Biblical Themes of Peace (3)
    • Engl 207/307, Mennonite Literature (3)
    • Hist 318, Anabaptist/Mennonite History (3)
    • Hist 321, History of Mennonites in America (3)
    • Related topics course or independent study: Hist 375 or Rel/Soc 315 (3)
  • Elective courses selected from core courses above or the following list: 6
    • Hist 304, Renaissance and Reformation (3)
    • Mus 311, Topics in Music Literature: church music (2)
    • Rel 320, Christian Theologies (3)
    • Soc 334, Race, Class and Ethnic Relations (3)
    • Related course taken at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
    • Internship with a Mennonite organization or congregation

Student learning outcomes

Graduates in Anabaptist-Mennonite studies will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of Anabaptist history and theology.
  2. Explore Anabaptist practice in a variety of creative fields: art, music, or literature.
  3. Apply Anabaptist theology to current issues and problems.
  4. Interpret personal and social moral responsibilities using the Anabaptist lens.

Planning and advising notes

It is assumed that students who apply the elective courses above to the minor will do a focused study (paper or project, e.g.) that makes an explicit connection with an Anabaptist-Mennonite topic.

Special resources at Goshen College include the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (see, the Mennonite Historical Library, the Archives of Mennonite Church USA, and The Mennonite Quarterly Review, a respected scholarly journal published by Goshen College.