First classes in Lima

Josh buys tomatoes.
Josh buys tomatoes.

The past four days the students have been settling into their weekly routine: language classes are from 9-12 in the morning at the Good Shepherd Church, an Anglican church with a long history in Lima.  Lunches are usually shared together (either at Casa Goshen or the church), although sometimes the students are given money for a local eatery serving a standard fare of Peruvian food.  In the afternoon the students hear from a speaker or have a field trip before returning to their families.

On Monday we had an activity in the afternoon instead of a speaker.  Students had an assignment on Sunday to ask their host families for a shopping list of ingredients for special meal, and in the process the students learned some new vocabulary and got practice in Spanish conversation.  On Monday afternoon we traveled to a large market where the students purchased the ingredients, going from stall to stall and getting accustomed to asking questions of strangers in Spanish.

In lectures on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the students heard about the recent history of Peru, education, and life in the Andean highlands.