After five weeks of language and culture studies in Lima (and one week of travel to Cusco and Machu Picchu), the Goshen students say goodbye to their Lima host families and teachers and travel to their service locations. They spend a second six-week period scattered across the country, working in schools, clinics, churches and social service organizations.
Students sing a song of welcome to their host families.
Before they go, however, the Peru groups have traditionally thrown a farewell party – or despedida – for the host families. The party is a chance for the students to thank their host families for opening their homes and hearts.
Sierra’s host sisters, Maria and Jimena, play a ring toss game.
The students were busy with party-planning for several weeks. Committees planned decorations, games, special food, music and speeches. Students wrote and performed two skits, which they rehearsed in the week leading up to the despedida.
Andrew the Mouse, who has been caught in a trap, is found by Stefan, who is portraying Martin de Porres, a brother at the monaster
The evening was a wonderful time of community. Some host families have hosted for years; others are new to the program. The despedida party is one time they all see each other. The students kept things lively with games, songs, and good food. The humorous skits brought laughter, and the touching tributes and flowers the students offered to their host families invited a few tears.
Emma tearfully embraces her host sisters, Lucia and Eva.
Then, just as the evening seemed to be drawing to a close and sad, final good-byes, the students and co-directors Richard Aguirre and Judy Weaver began to act strangely. They made unnecessary speeches. They sang an extra song. They asked the families if anyone had a story to share. People shifted in their seats, ready to go home.
A concluding surprise: Mariachi musicians play for the host families – a gift from Peru SST Co-Directors Judy Weaver and Richard R. Aguirre.
Soon enough, the families found out what all the stalling was about: a bright trumpet peal interrupted the final speeches, and a mariachi band strode into the hall. The whole Goshen group gathered on the stage to sing “Volver, Volver,” to our host families. The chorus of the old Vicente Fernandez song goes, “Y volver, volver, volver a tus brazos otra vez; llegaré hasta donde estés; yo sé perder, yo sé perder, quiero volver, volver volver” (To return, return, return to your arms once more; I’ll come to wherever you are; I know about losing, I want to return, return, return”).
At the urging of a Mariachi singer, Alejandro lets loose with a rousing “grito,” a Mexican yell of joy.
Alejandro had been practicing a good grito – the impassioned howl that is such a fun part of traditional Mexican music. The other students gave him a poke, and he threw his head back and let ‘er rip. The mariachi musicians were so impressed that they asked him to do it again later.
Students and host family members enjoy a final dance at the despedida (farewell party).
Families began to sing along – in Peru everyone knows Mexican music – and soon tables were pushed to the side and everyone jumped up to dance. The mariachi band was a special good-bye from Richard and Judy, who will end their year of directing the program in August. Richard chose to share music from his own Mexican-American heritage knowing that mariachis are popular at Peruvian celebrations. So the party and the term ended on a joyful note.
Brian and Leah relax before the start of the farewell party.Sierra, Miranda and Jaime joke around before the farewell party.Brody and Edith wait for the arrival of their host families.Derek Peter’s host sisters, Galeth and Zuly Huarac Quispe, play “cajon” corn hole.Derek Peter tries his hand at “cajon”corn hole.Derek Peter with his host sister, Zuly, host parents, Sara and Glicerio Huarac Quispe, and host sister, Galeth.Tim with his host mother, Norma Seson Guevara, host sister, Normita, and host nephew, Leonardo.Brian with his host mother, Luisa Fallaque Bossio (right) and other family members.Edith with her host sister, Claudia, and host mother, Marisel Avalos Mendocilla.Alejandro with his host parents, Livia and Benjamin Salas Aguirre.Miranda with her host brother, Giuseppino, host mother, Martha, host sister, Antonela, and host father, Giuseppe Castellano Morales.Emma with her host mother, Nancy, host sisters, Lucia and Eva, and host father, Cristian.Stefan with his host parents, Sonia and Percy Peralta Olaechea.Leah with her host mother, Genoveva, host sister, Alejandra, and host father, Fernando Angulo Ibarra.Brody with host brother, Isaac, host mother, Malena Carrasco Sirlopu, and host sister, Noemi. Sierra with host mother, Rosario Laos Rios, and host sisters, Jimena and Maria.Andrew with host parents, Ines and Daladier Orbegozo Sanchez.Michael with host parents, Marco and Betty Lozano Cahuana, and host sister, Grecia.Jaime with host parents, Lucy and Enrique Rodriguez.Matt with host mother, Blanca Ramirez Aguirre, and host brother, Nicolas. Lucas with members of the Acosta family.Joel with his host parents, Eduardo and Cecilia Nue Pereda.Derek William with his host parents, Juan and Krizian, and other members of the Mori Jiu family.Students sing a song of welcome to their host families.Host family members and friends at the despedida (farewell party).Matt, Tim and Miranda sing for their host families.Alejandro’s host father, Benjamin Salas Aguirre, plays a ring toss game.The prize for winning the ring toss game: a bottle of Inca Cola or Coca Cola.Sierra’s host sisters, Maria and Jimena, play a ring toss game.Emma’s host father, Cristian Mucha, prepares to toss a paper airplane.Alejandro’s host mother, Livia Salas Achahuanco, tosses a paper airplane.Joel’s host parents, Eduardo and Cecilia Nue Pereda, play “cajon” corn hole.Joel’s host mother, Cecilia, celebrates a hole in one in “cajon” corn hole. Joel’s host father, Eduardo, tries to score in “cajon” corn hole.Sierra and her host sister, Maria, pose for a photo. Bobbing for apples.We have a winner!Stefan bites into a soggy apple.Jaime applies a face paint design.Leah applies a face paint design.Brian and Alejandro address the crowd.Lucas and Edith chat during the farewell party.Tim, Derek and Lucas prepare the next game.Jaime, Brody and Derek’s host mother, Sara, participate in an eating contest.Goshen College’s Spanish teachers Gretty Garcia and Ana Bracamonte and drama teacher Biviana Goto have some fun at the farewell party.Goshen College Spanish teacher Moises Arce and his sons at the farewell party.Edith narrates a play about San Martin de Porres, a brother in a religious order who befriended animals.Matt the Mouse lives in a monastery in Lima.Andrew and Miranda creep through the Santo Domingo monastery in search of food.Andrew, Miranda and Matt eat food unaware that dangers lurk in the Santa Domingo monastery.Andrew the Mouse, who has been caught in a trap, is found by Stefan, who is portraying Martin de Porres, a brother at the monastery.Stefan, playing Martin de Porres, frees Andrew from the trap. The real Martin de Porres loved all animals, including rats and mice.Martin de Porres prepares to feed a cat and dog, played by Joel and Lucas.Miranda the Mouse approaches in hopes of getting some food, but is confronted by an angry cat and a blustery dog, played by Joel and Lucas.Stefan, playing Martin de Porres, tells the animals that they should get along and that there is food enough for everyone.Stefan gives an affectionate belly rub to Lucas the Dog while Joel the Cat and Miranda the Mouse continue eating.Jaime, Alejandro and Derek William performed in skits in which they demonstrated the humorous consequences of using incorrect Spanish words.Derek William mistakenly tells his “host mother” (Leah) that he is “casado” (married) instead of “cansado” (tired).Derek’s “host parents,” played by Leah and Brody, react in confusion to Derek’s mistaken declaration that he has married a classmate. He meant to say he was tired.Jaime confuses Sierra and Brian by mixing up the Spanish words for piernas (legs) and pedras (rocks).Alejandro confuses Derek Peter by mistakenly stating that he is an “adultero” (an adulterer) when he means to say that he is an “adulto” (adult).Emma visits Michael, playing a hair stylist, and declares that she wants a hair color change. The problem: she mixes up the words for “brown” (marron) and “purple” (morado). Michael works on Emma’s hair.Emma is shocked to discover that because she said the wrong word in Spanish, the hair stylist has dyed her hair purple.Students prepare to thank their host parents for opening their homes and hearts to them.Matt thanks his host family.Leah thanks her host family.Brody thanks his host family.Edith thanks her host family.Students offer applause to thank their host families.Emma tearfully embraces her host sisters, Lucia and Eva.Host parents Genoveva Angulo Ibarra and Sonia and Percy Peralta Olaechea pay tribute to Peru SST Co-Directors Judy Weaver and Richard R. Aguirre.Peru SST Co-Director Judy Weaver presents a Bible to the Rev. Jorge Zamudio of the Buen Pastor church to thank him for his friendship with Goshen College.A concluding surprise: Mariachi musicians play for the host families – a gift from Peru SST Co-Directors Judy Weaver and Richard R. Aguirre.Stefan and Alejandro dance with their host mothers, Sonia Peralta Olaechea and Livia Salas Achahuanco.Michael dances with his host mother, Betty Lozano Cahuana.Leah dances with her host father, Fernando Angulo Ibarra.Jaime dances with her host mother, Lucy Rodriguez Nima.Brian dances with his host mother, Luisa Fallaque Bossio.At the urging of a Mariachi singer, Alejandro lets loose with a rousing “grito,” a Mexican yell of joy.Mariachi musicians play for the host parents.Joel with his host parents, Eduardo and Cecilia Nue Pereda.Alejandro with his host parents, Livia and Benjamin Salas Aguirre.Emma dances with her host sister, Lucia.Peru SST Co-Director Judy Weaver joins in the dancing.Students and host family members enjoy a final dance at the despedida (farewell party).