Julie Reese
Professor of Psychology
- B.A., Goshen College, 1992
- M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, 1995
- M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary School of Theology, 1996
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, 1998
- juliecr@goshen.edu
- (574) 535-7752
- Science Hall 110 (map)
Read interview with Julie Reese.
PSYC 100 General Psychology
An introduction to the methods, concepts and principles used in the study of behavior. Includes a survey of topics in psychological development, individual differences, memory, personality structure, mental health, learning and social psychology.
PSYC 303 Biological Psychology An introduction to the physiology and anatomy of the brain and central nervous system and their effects on psychological functioning (behavior, thinking, and feeling) processes.
PSYC 306 Abnormal Psychology A study of the variety of psychological disorders as classified by the DSM system. Issues
related to classification will be discussed. A biopsychosocial model will be assumed
when discussing etiology and treatment. Since this is primarily a descriptive course,
considerable emphasis will be placed on case studies. At the conclusion of the course,
students will be well versed in understanding the major psychological disorders.
PSYC 320 Psychological Assessment A study of psychological testing theory, test administration and test interpretation. The course will survey intellectual, aptitude, achievement, interest, personality and neuropsychological assessment.
PSYC 380 Statistics in Research A study of data analysis and its relationship to research methods in a variety of settings. Collection, presentation and analysis of numerical data, including descriptive, parametric, and nonparametric statistics. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the Quantitative Literacy requirement in the Goshen Core before taking this course. When this course is taught for four credit hours in the adult degree completion program, it includes application and integration of concepts applied to nursing research.
PSYC 410 Senior Seminar in Psychology
A focus on integrative issues concerning psychology, science and faith, primarily Christianity. Attention will also be given to philosophical reasoning. This student-led seminar is structured around student-selected topics such as free will, prayer, religion and mental health/illness, therapy and faith, forgiveness, happiness/sin, etc.
PSYC 401 Psychology Research I In a small group collaboration, students design, propose, and prepare to conduct a research study. Special attention is given to Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (HSIRB) requirements.
PSYC 403 Psychology Research II Further data collection and analysis of the problem studied in Psyc 401, culminating in a written thesis and oral presentation.
Historical Courses
- Research Methods in Psychology
- Heroic Acts and Heinous Crimes
- Introduction to Clinical Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Personality Theory
- Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Reese, J, Panelist. Questions and Answers. (2023, July). Talk about Doubts conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Reese, J. (2022, June). Anxiety and depression. Presented at Talk About Doubts conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Sensenig, A., & Reese, J. (2020, September). Effective study strategies. Presented annually since 2017 to ICC (all first year students), Goshen College.
Reese, J. (2016, December). My cancer journey: An unwanted gift. Presented at the annual Holiday Luncheon, Goshen Center for Cancer Care.
Sensenig, A, & Reese, J. (2016, August). How to get more out of studying. Presented at First Year student orientation, Goshen College.
Reese, J. (2014, February). Most effective study tips. Lecture to SALT students, Goshen College.
Reese, J. (2013, February). Personal faith story and cancer experience. Presentation at Goshen College chapel.
Noria, C., & Reese, J. (2013, January). What the children know. Presented at Celebrate Scholar Day, Goshen College.
Reese, J. (2007, March). Those yet to commit: College students’ attitudes towards marriage and divorce. Paper presented at the annual Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia: PA.
Carney, P., Thayer, J., Yoder-Hosopple, M., Reese, J., Koontz, T, & Neufeld, M. (2003, October). Practice as a pathway to peace. Paper presented at the annual 3rd Annual Formation and Renewal Conference, University of Notre Dame.
Reese, J., & Malony, N. (1997, November). Peace beliefs and responses to interpersonal frustration. Paper presented at the meeting of the Religious Research Association.
Professional Activities:
Talk About Doubts team member. (A multi-disciplinary team of Christians who respond to questions about faith in a confidential, free, personal Zoom call.) Check it out.
- Indiana Psychologist License
I have contemplated taking this information off my website, now a story that may seem like the distant past. But, I believe that, if you are like me, it is easy to forget that others are human and have a story that is full of brokenness, struggle, and triumph. Thus, I keep this part of my life story here for you to see that I am human like you, full of unanswered questions, scarred by life, and still seeking to live joyously each day. My hope is that my story opens a door for you – inviting you to share your life journey with me. I am more than a professor. I am a lover of all people and hope that someday our paths will cross.
Now a cancer survivor of 13 years, I don’t always have daily reminders of my experience with a serious disease. Still, though I am not defined by my past diagnosis, it has forever changed my life. New decisions about options for medical intervention to reduce the risk of cancer returning, about living with a double mastectomy, about additional genetic screenings, about physical decline likely accelerated by the treatment keep me from forgetting that cancer is a journey, even if one doesn’t have active cells growing in the body. More importantly, I choose daily to grow closer to the one who created all and loves you and me more than we can even imagine. God renews and sustains me in life’s journey. I invite any who read my story to know that my door (literally or figuratively – via phone, email) is open to you if you desire to talk about cancer. I will gladly listen, cry with you, pray with you, share joys with you, and talk about hope that never fails…. even if cancer returns!
I hope my story will encourage you:
On April 26, 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While such a diagnosis is often a shock, having no risk factors and no family history, I would never have expected to hear such news. Following a bilateral mastectomy, 5 months of harsh chemotherapy, and 32 radiation treatments, I now have no additional follow-up.
I praise God for all of the blessings during my experience. I met so many wonderful people. The medical staff at IU Goshen Center for Cancer Care were so compassionate, understanding, and fun! Yes, I found ways to have fun in the midst of a very crappy situation!
Unlike some medical conditions which can be managed by lifestyle, cancer, for the most part, is a disease where the causes are rarely known.
Living as a survivor is about seeking to live each day well and hoping that the cancer does not return. News of people who have died from cancer sends a shiver of fear through me. My hope is secure in Christ, but I desire to have many more years watching my daughters grow and spending time with my husband.
Going through cancer has helped me grow in my compassion for others and in my desire to live according to what is really most valuable to me. My experience has opened the door to many meaningful conversations with other patients, students, and medical staff.

Ivy Tech Advisory Board. 2021
Certificate in Effective College Instruction, Association of College and University Educators, 2019
President Renewal Grant – 2019: Redo Psychology Reading Room
President Renewal Grant – 2018: Growth Mindsets: Teaching and Learning for All Students
Goshen College Mobile Leafs iPad Apps for Teaching, 2017
Mininger Grant – 2015: Attend Teaching Professor Conference in Atlanta, GA
Mininger Grant – 2013: Departmental review and enrichment (Learning and the Brain Conference in San Francisco, CA)
Church responsibilities: Sunday school teacher (children through adults) and superintendent, Vacation Bible School worship leader and group leader, children’s worship leader, women’s fellowship president, Wed. evening planning committee, conference representative, and Leadership Board member.
Community: In the past – member of the board of directors for Individuals and Families in Transition in Elkhart, IN (now Family Services of Elkhart County), a member of the Cancer Survivor Coordinating Committee at Goshen Center for Cancer Care, president of the New Paris PTO, and served on the Fairfield Superintendent Advisory Panel.