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Subject: Anabaptists: Ethics
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6 articles matched.
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The Anabaptist purity of life ethic. Timothy W. Dalzell. 60:200-201 Ap 1986
(Listed under Anabaptists: Doctrine; Anabaptists: Ethics; Christian Life; Dalzell, Timothy Wayne; Theology, Anabaptist)
Anabaptism and social radicalism in Strasbourg, 1528-1532: Pilgram Marpeck on Christian social responsibility. Stephen B. Boyd. 63:58-76 Ja 1989
(Listed under Anabaptists: Ethics; Anabaptists: France: Strasbourg; Boyd, Stephen Blake; Marpeck, Pilgrim, Ca. 1795-1556)
An Anabaptist theory of moral obligation. Caleb Miller. 71:571-593 O 1997
(Listed under Anabaptists: Ethics; Miller, Caleb)
German mysticism in the polarization of ethical behavior in Luther and the Anabaptists. George H. Williams. 48:275-304 Jl 1974
(Listed under Anabaptists: Ethics; Luther, Martin, 1483-1546; Mysticism; Williams, George Hunston, 1914)
Guy F. Hershberger vis- Theron F. Schlabach. 73:9-34 Ja 1999
(Listed under Anabaptists: Ethics; Burkholder, J. Lawrence; Christian Ethics; Hershberger, Guy F., 1896-1989; Schlabach, Theron F)
The work of Christ: on the difficulty of identifying an Anabaptist perspective. J. Denny Weaver. 59:107-129 Ap 1985
(Listed under Anabaptists: Ethics; Atonement; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551; Denck, Hans, Ca. 1495-1527; Jesus Christ; Reformation; Sattler, Michael, D. 1527; Theology, Anabaptist; Weaver, J. Denny)
6 articles matched.

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