the Goshen College Bulletin | Alumni magazine since 1956

Called to serve God in business

Clifford Troyer
Name: Clifford Troyer '54

Business name: Troyer Farms Potato Chips, Waterford, Pa.; founded in 1961.

Business description: Started as a potato farm, specializing in "chipping potatoes,Ó and has developed into a full-line snack food company. Acquired Seyfert Foods (Fort Wayne, Ind.) in 2001.

On the spirit of entrepreneurship: "Some of the challenges have been to keep up with the times. It is becoming much easier to start a business than to keep it going constantly. Because as a business matures, the profit margins get slimmer and slimmer. So the challenge is to remain profitable.
"Probably the greatest reward is finding good employees, good people and working will all our people and helping them to be successful at the same time. That is probably the greatest reward, to see people do well who are working with you to make it happen.Ó
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