Biology Senior Seminar

Volume 2004 Contents

Updated 2 December 04



 Katie Beck Gene Therapy: A Focus on the Normal?
 Emily Haury Assisted Reproductive Technology: Biological, Ethical, & Social Considerations
 Celeste Kennel-Shank Sustainable Land Management in Latin America
 Jane Litwiller The Problem of Population Growth and the Solution of Population Planning
 Kimberly Loewen Expanding Ideas of Environment to Create an Inclusive Movement
 Megan Morris Fertility Treatments, Multiple Births, and the Surrounding Debates
 Peter Moyer Healthcare in America: Current Status and the Potential of a Socialized Model
 R. Simeon Paulson Can Christianity and Cloning Coexist
 Tara Plank A Look at Today's Whaling: Is it Sustainable? 
 Troy Springer GMOs and Their Potential
 Shu Tu A Comparative Study of Evolution and Religion in Education in the US and China
 Jamin Yoder Jumping out of the GC Box: Genesis, the Gospel, and Theistic Evolution
 Kyle Yoder Stem Cell Research: Scientific Advancement vs. Human Rights

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