Text and list tags (and a few others)

Here are examples of some of the basic (X)HTML tags.

We'll experiment in class with this fanciful research paper.. What methods do you know to download pages/graphics/links/files?


castro5.gif Castro, 5th edition, Chapt. 3, pp. 59-66, 70-72; Chapt. 4, pp. 73-77; Chapt. 13, pp. 203-207 or castro6.gif 6th edition, Chapt. 3, pp 59-62; Chapt 4, pp 69-73; Chapt 15, pp 215-219.

See Appendix A in either one for a reference to many tags.

Tag Lingo

<p align="right">A right-justified sentence.</p>

Simple formatting tags

Combine more than one effect, but nest tags appropriately....

Tags that force a line break

Paragraph <p>

<p [align="left" | "center" | "right"] > .. </p>


Headline tags force a line break. The text is also automatically made bold, and typically larger than normal.
Note: The smaller the number used in the tag, the larger the final headline size.

Line break <br />

No terminating tag!
<br />


Unordered lists
<p>A list of my favorite milkshake flavors</p>
<ul [type= "disc" | "circle" | "square"] >
Ordered lists
<p>A list of Michael Neumanns favorite milkshake flavors</p>
  <li>Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough</li>
  <li>Cookies and Cream</li>
  <li>Peanut Butter</li>

Other kinds of HTML things

Comments: <!-- .... -->

<!-- A reminder to yourself -->
<!-- Or a way to render useless a whole bunch of other HTML
     when you're troubleshooting:
<h2>None of this should render because it's inside a comment.</h2>

Special characters

Let you use special and non-US characters such as á, ö, or terms in Español.
<h1>This headline will never break at the non-breaking&nbsp;space</h1>
<p>Non-US characters such as &aacute;, &ouml;, or terms in Espa&ntilde;ol.</p>


...which is morphing into preparation for Lab #2

Finish formatting your copy of our 'rollerblade research paper':

In our next class period we'll validate our markup, and put it in one of our layout templates.