Comments on draft papers


  • Give a bit of an outline of what approach you're going to take to your problem.
  • As appropriate, say something about the motivation for the problem, why it matters, or what larger principle it illustrates.
  • You don't have to number every equation, but ones that you refer back to, or eventually substitute something in to should probably be numbered.
  • Using equations from our textbook: Instead of just
      "Using equation (4.9)..."

    say at least a bit about where the equation came from,

      "Using equation (4.9) which Carter derived using the first law and the equation of state of an ideal gas..."

    Or even better if you can justify an equation without a reference to Carter. E.g.

      If we consider the entropy to be a function of $P$ and $T$, that is $s(P,T)$, then the Pfaffian of this function is $$ds=\left(\frac{\del s}{\del P}\right)_T dP+\left(\frac{\del s}{\del T}\right)_P dT.$$

Graphics / plots

I tried to note when graphics were needed, and when they probably aren't. (If not needed, I just have Moodle "not count" the empty graphics portion of the grade entered in Moodle.

Typography in Mathematica

  • Use math mode ([shift]-[control]-( to enter math mode, [shift]-[control]-) to leave it) to get correct treatment of variable names. Also, put a space between variables being multiplied.
  • Use the greek letters that Carter uses rather than other symbols. In particular $\gamma$ instead of $y$. To get a greek letter: [esc] g [esc] gives you gamma. Or pick from the palette.